As I write this, Pamela is in Paris. France, not Missouri, by the way. I love traveling, I love Europe, and I love experiencing foreign cultures. So naturally, I’m envious that someone else is overseas and I’m not! Thankfully, Pamela and Brian are tweeting pictures and fun stories about their vacation, though, so I don’t feel like she’s too far away, and that’s nice. It’s nice for my travel bug and it’s nice for this fitness journey that I’m on.

Training with Pamela: On My Own
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We only had one session the week that they left, and during that time, Pamela and I went through the workout she had planned for me to do while she’s gone. We’ve talked about the equipment that I own, so she knew what I have to work with, and this workout session uses what I’ve got. There are two things I like about this.

  1. I don’t have to buy anything this week in order to stay on track with our workouts.
  2. I now know one great workout that I can do at home! It’s challenging, and it gets my heart rate up, and I don’t have to go to a gym to do it.

I told you last week how intimidated I feel at gyms, so I love that Pamela truly met me where I’m at, not just physically, but also with the assets that I have. Several of the exercises use my body weight, but I’ve got an exercise ball, so she included a couple that take advantage of that.

Now, the hardest part was making sure I did my workout on my own. I printed out a medication check list I found at and edited it to become a workout check list. I scheduled all my workouts for the week, including my runs, and put it in the binder with my food journal. I’m checking it every morning to see what I need to do for the day. I think this is a routine that I can stick to once I have to do this on my own.

I needed her on Saturday, though. I ran a 10k race, and I did not live up to the expectations I had set for myself. Something went terribly wrong in the calf department, and I felt like my legs were working against me the whole time. I tweeted about it, and Pamela wrote back with a suggestion. How about that! I gotta be honest with you; when I’m on vacation, I don’t check my work email, much less respond. But this woman is dedicated. If she believes in me and the process we’re going through to take time out of her French vacation, how can I let her down by taking a vacation from eating healthy or working out?!

So I don’t like that I’m not in Paris, but I know that Pamela and Brian are having a fabulous time and that I’ll get to hear about all of their adventures in more than 140 characters soon enough! I also now know that I can do this on my own (with a little help every now and again), and that is a great feeling.

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