by Pamela Hernandez | Jul 10, 2017 | Fitness, Fitness 101, Motivation, Reviews
You didn’t want to see the guy your cousin said to call. You didn’t like the idea of letting random chance match you up. Instead you took your time and did your research. You made sure your choice checked off all your boxes. At that first meeting, it was like chatting...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jul 3, 2017 | Fitness, Motivation
When was the last time you thought about what really makes you happy? When was the last time you thought about things that bring you joy? Have you fallen victim to the same happiness mistakes that I did? As a kid, happiness is something you don’t have to think about...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jun 26, 2017 | Fitness, Nutrition, Reviews
It’s not that you don’t know how to cook. Mom taught you how to do a taco casserole and scrambled eggs. Dad made sure you understood how to cook chicken on the grill. Mac-n-cheese and spaghetti are easy – you just follow the directions on the box. Knowing doesn’t...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jun 19, 2017 | Fitness, Fitness 101, General Health
A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. You’ve heard this loose interpretation of Newton’s First Law of Motion before. You feel it describes you perfectly. When you’re going, you keep going. If you’re hitting the gym every...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jun 12, 2017 | Nutrition, Recipes, Reviews
What happened to lazy summers? Sure the students are gone but your work hasn’t stopped. In fact, your plate seems to be fuller than ever. Despite the “break” in the Junior League schedule, the committee meetings are still popping up on your calendar. Your in-laws are...