by Pamela Hernandez | Mar 27, 2017 | Fitness, General Health, Workouts
Where did the morning go? If it wasn’t for the grumble in your belly signaling lunchtime you would still be knee deep in project emails and expense reports. Thankful for your body’s reminder to refuel, you stand up slowly. Slowly … because one hip has fallen asleep....
by Pamela Hernandez | Mar 20, 2017 | Fitness, Monthly Workout Playlist, Motivation
You love finding new music. Your excitement over the Austin 100 from NPR each year is completely lost on your top 40 listening co-workers. You always check out the New Music section on iTunes and the Discover Weekly playlist on Spotify while prepping meals or working...
by Pamela Hernandez | Mar 13, 2017 | Nutrition, Recipes
How dare you? I trusted you! You told me exactly what I wanted…no needed…to hear. You promised me you’d be nutritious and delicious! At least to my face. But I turn you over and all I see is SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR. Have you ever been betrayed by your protein bar? Do these...
by Pamela Hernandez | Mar 6, 2017 | Fitness, Workouts
Busy weeks are the norm…but this week really takes the cake. You’ve got project at work that is requiring more overtime than usual. Your sister and your best friend are celebrating their birthdays this week. Somehow it is also your turn to host book club. Your mother...
by Pamela Hernandez | Feb 27, 2017 | Fitness, Fitness Favorites, Reviews
Your planner sits before you, exposing the harsh truth about the week ahead. Your schedule is completely booked before Monday even arrives. You spend a few minutes looking for gaps where you might find time to go to yin yoga with your squad or pop in your favorite old...