by Pamela Hernandez | Feb 20, 2017 | General Health, Motivation
Warming up the one grande coffee you allow yourself per day in the microwave, you hear a voice over your shoulder, “I’m going to miss that. I don’t know why I decided to give up coffee for Lent this year.” Funny, you think to yourself, I didn’t know she was Catholic....
by Pamela Hernandez | Feb 13, 2017 | Fitness, Nutrition, Recipes
Eat your protein. Everyone keeps saying it. Everyone from the health reporter on the 5 o’clock news to your marathon running sister-in-law is telling you to eat your protein. A magazine cover shouts it at you in the grocery check out line. Your favorite coffee shop...
by Pamela Hernandez | Feb 6, 2017 | Fit Travel, Nutrition
Sometimes it’s hard to shake vacation mode. The alarm was particularly cruel that first Monday back. While craving some normalcy after a chaotic January, being back at work just wasn’t as lovely as strolling in Marais. Working on programs while eating my...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 30, 2017 | Fitness, Fitness 101, Workouts
As you hoist your gym backpack on, your arms feel a bit weak. Funny, you think as you walk towards the locker room door, it didn’t seem that heavy on your way here. Fresh from your first Pound class, you feel tired but good. This was the perfect way to get back into a...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 23, 2017 | General Health, Nutrition
The holidays slowed you down. Then the flu caught up with you. You are ready to get back to normal. Now that everyone is finally well and back to school and work, you’re tempted to go all out. You’ve cleansed the pantry of the last of the green and red Hershey’s...