by Pamela Hernandez | Sep 12, 2016 | What's New at Thrive Personal Fitness
There are too many decisions to be made in the day. Your routine is really the only thing saves you. You’ve done as much as you can to streamline and automate your day. You’ve got a capsule wardrobe and all the bills are on auto pay. You’ve even signed up for a...
by Pamela Hernandez | Sep 5, 2016 | Fitness, Fitness Favorites, Reviews, Workouts
You’re pretty sure your husband is trying to make up for not getting an Atari as a kid. There are so many gadgets attached to the television you’re never sure what remote to use when you want to watch Ellen. You’ve had to wake him up more than once to ask again which...
by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 29, 2016 | Fitness, Motivation, What's New at Thrive Personal Fitness
Time to be alone? Are you kidding? Time to make a plan? I am flying by the seat of my pants! Time to dream? Not sure when… I need to tell you something very important. There is no badge for being busy. There are no bonus points for perfection. You can’t pour from an...
by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 22, 2016 | Fitness, Fitness 101, General Health, Motivation
Congratulations! You have finally escaped the cube farm and negotiated a work from home schedule. You imagine sleeping in a little later, trading high heels and skirts for sneakers and sweats and saving a ton of money skipping Starbucks runs in favor of making a...
by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 15, 2016 | General Health, Nutrition
You’re exercising on a regular basis. You’re committed to your daily walk, even when you have to do it after the sun has gone down or in the rain. You try lift weights twice a week. Although to be honest you might skip it when you spend a weekend at the lake. You’re...