How To Cook Tofu At Home For Beginners
The café around the corner has added a new tofu taco to their menu that is way better than ANY taco you’ve ever tasted. Not only has this new option made it easier to agree on a office lunch spot, it has also sparked hope on your quest to learn how to cook tofu at home.
When you asked the staff, they said it was an easy process to create their delicious spicy tofu. It’s just a marinade and then cook it up, they said. The secret is in the sauce, the counter guy says with a wink.
If that’s the case why does tofu at home never taste this good?
When you cook tofu at home does it come out bland and crumbly? Have you had more than one Pinterest tofu burger end up as a huge #fail?
Don’t worry…it’s easy to learn to cook tofu at home.

Quick Guide: Best Tasting Protein Bars At Target
There is no time to shop three different stores to stock your pantry. Your husband is kind enough to hit the grocery store for you. That leaves you with Target duty on your lunch hour. Your goal is to pick up the household Target favs (hello Ginger Peach sparkling water!) and restock your office snack drawer. As you turn the corner of the snack aisle, you’re faced with a wall of choices. You have no idea how you’re going to find one of the best tasting protein bars with only 10 minutes to spare.
Protein bar overwhelm is a very common occurrence. Protein is a hot topic and new protein bars are everywhere. Target has totally upped their protein bar game. Which is great for busy women who need to get as much as possible done in one shopping trip. It also makes it very hard to pick out the best tasting protein bars that also lives up to their marketing hype.
That’s why I made the decision to buy seven boxes of protein bars on my last Target run to taste test.

3 Worth-It Instant Teas for Tea On The Go
You’re always going. Most day are about shuttling between school drop off, your office and after school activities. Your weeks often involve driving to meetings hours away or weekend visits to your parents. You feel like you’re always on the road. While car time can be optimal audio book time it can be really hard to indulge your love of tea. You need an easy and delicious solution for tea on the go.

5 Superb Ways To Make A High Protein Breakfast Without Eggs
Switching to a plant-based diet hasn’t been quite as challenging as you anticipated. Dinner is covered most nights with your Hello Fresh box or one of your simple veggie stir fry recipes. You know where you can get a great bowl of vegetarian chili for lunch and you keep protein bars in your desk. However, finding a high protein breakfast without eggs is proving to be another story.
You’ve promised yourself some grace on this path to a healthier life. It’s just that you would rather save the “egg card” for breakfast when you travel. You would love to find a few options for home that honor your goal to eat less meat. The problem is with such a busy and somewhat unpredictable schedule, you’re finding it hard to break your hard-boiled egg and banana habit.
Get ready to make a quick grocery store run. I have five ideas for easy recipes for high protein breakfast without eggs.

The Right Moves To Resize Your Butt And Thighs
Fat loss isn’t fair. You often want the fat loss to show up in your tummy first. But your body loves to start somewhere else that makes you drop a cup size or two. I can’t help increase your bust size, but I can help you balance things out with a great butt and thighs workout.
Thighs and glutes quite literally go side by side on this journey. If you want firmer thighs and glutes, perhaps even add an inch or two and fill out your jeans better, you’re in luck. Leg day is my favorite and one of the fastest places you can see results.
The Triple T Workout wraps up this week! It’s time to love your thighs!

The Most Effective Ways To Deal With Arm Jiggle
Looking at the gray day out your office window, your thoughts drift back to a view of ocean waves and clear blue skies. You long for a vacation filled with warm days, water skiing and not knowing a soul there. Among strangers you can laugh a little louder, dance a little more and … not be self-conscious about your arm jiggle in a breezy summer dress
At home, you would not dare show the world your upper arms. You haven’t worn a tank top among friends or to the gym in years. Recently you saw an ad for Spanx for arms and briefly (only briefly) considered it.
Promise me you won’t buy arm tights. Instead, let’s re-frame the issue and set a healthy striving goal to change the shape of your upper arms – specifically the triceps – and let go of worry about arm jiggle.
Is It Unreasonable To Want A Flat Stomach?
Have you ever considered a tummy tuck?
You have a friend who went under the knife because she wanted a flat stomach. You admit the initial results were impressive. But you noticed that it didn’t take long for the belly baring shirts to go back in the closet. She started to talk about her body just as she did before, complaining of a muffin top and wanting to lose 10 pounds.
I won’t bore you with the technical details of abdominoplasty or liposuction. What I will say is that cosmetic surgery is often a band aid. You’re treating the symptom not the cause. Fueled by unrealistic fitspo and overly edited images, the quest for a six pack is an unrealistic goal for most of us.
For most women to have visible abdominal muscles body fat needs to drop between 16-19%. This is not a guarantee; some women have to get even leaner for definition. This can be mentally and physically unhealthy as well as unsustainable. But is it unreasonable to want a flat stomach?

The Subtle Art Of Healthy Striving
No, this year you will not be on the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU bandwagon.
2017 was a breakthrough year. Your before and after photos may not have changed as much as you would like but you know you are on the right path now. A photo can’t show the huge shift in your mental game.
You’re learning to live in your Middle Ground. You know you are enough just as you are. This is the year it will be NEW YEAR, NEW MINDSET. You’re ready to look in the mirror and say “Yes, I love my body”!
You’re done seeking perfection.
But you also would love to see just a little more definition in your arms. Maybe fill out your jeans just a little differently. The world won’t end if it doesn’t happen…but why not ask for a little more? It’s okay to want a new look and show off a little on Flex Friday.
Let’s talk about healthy striving.

How To Permanently Stop Dieting (Even If You’ve Tried Everything)
Does the vicious cycle begin again today?
The five pounds you lost before Thanksgiving found their way back while you were celebrating. Feeling like for the last several weeks you’ve been off the rails, you promise yourself that today you will get back on track.
All you need is a jump start. No sugar, no dairy, no bread…less, less, less. You can do without them and you can do it perfectly. Yes, this January will be different. This January you will stick to the diet.
There is that word…PERFECTLY. Such a loaded word. It seems like doing something perfectly should be the goal. Yet perfect is really the problem.
I’ve got a question for you that will help you stop dieting forever.

How To Make A Delicious Breakfast With Just Two Ingredients
A very merry Christmas to you! I hope you’re spending time this week with family, either the one you were born into or the one you’ve made. So you have more time to enjoy the togetherness, I just wanted to share a quick two ingredient breakfast recipe with you. An egg...