Would You Have The Courage To Start Over?
Most of the time the next chapter of your life builds on the last. However, sometimes the plot twist is so abrupt you feel like you're all the way back at the beginning. That's how I felt when the 2009 banking crisis hit. The tidal wave knocked me down but I got up...

3 Rules For Successful Injury Recovery
Welcome to my annual Blog Hiatus! That means while I plan and prep, you get to hear from fresh new voices. This year I asked my guests to share their thoughts and experiences on one subject: Resilience. First up is a story of learning resilience when dealing with an injury. Shannon’s story is a great example of how sometimes we need to look past the issue at hand and find the lessons to be learned.

Lost Focus? Get It Back With My Mission Accepted! Challenge
You’re favorite instructor, the one who teaches the Thursday POUND class, says it all the time.
It’s a slogan that has popped up in bold letters in your Instagram feed more than once.
You may have even said it once or twice to your best friend while struggling through the aforementioned POUND class.
Remember why you started.
What if you don’t remember what made you sign up for the gym 10 years ago? Or maybe you do remember but you’re just not sure it matters anymore. You aren’t the same person you were five or ten years ago. Every season of life brings new challenges and new joys. Now is the time to acknowledge that why we started isn’t always the best reason to keep moving forward.
It’s time to pause and connect with your why. You need to take some time to evaluate your journey and set your compass again.
I’ve always been big on goal setting. I’ve written mission statements for my business life and long ago I wrote one for my personal life. It was only recently that I was challenged to write my FIT LIFE mission statement.
How does one write a fitness mission statement? I feel like I was half way there with my 100 Dreams List. Then I used some of the techniques from my Precision Nutrition curriculum and pulled in some exercise from my Franklin Covey training. I came up with a simple five step process to create a fitness mission statement.
I want you to join me in getting your focus back by joining my Mission Accepted! challenge!

9 Most Effective Tactics To Healthier Eating Out
At your last physical, your doctor was just a little unhappy your labs. It’s not the first time she’s tried to counsel you on eating healthier and moving a little bit more. But this time she laid down the law: get things under control or next time you’ll leave with prescriptions in hand.
Moving more has proved to be easier than you thought it would be but changing how you eat has been tougher. Healthier eating out is especially challenging. You’ve bonded with a great group of ladies in a Sunday yoga class but they love to go out for brunch after class. Your sister is all in when it comes to meeting you at the gym in the morning, as long as there is breakfast at her favorite café after. Your husband wants to walk with you at night but says there isn’t enough time if you have to cook dinner first. His answer to the problem is grabbing sushi on the way home.
Here’s a fit truth that needs to be said.
It is harder to eat healthy when you’re eating out.

Easy Standing Core Exercises
It’s easy to take for granted the ability to get up and down off the floor unassisted.
In fact, you didn’t even realize your effortless get up was gone until it had got up and went! It was the horrifying moment on vacation that let you know something had to give. At the botanical center, you sat on the ground with the rest of the tour group for a lovely picnic in the rose garden. While it may have been awhile since your last picnic, you didn’t think a thing about it until you had to get up.
It was slow. It may have involved rolling. You’re grateful you will never see any of those people again.
You’re set to get back to working out but you know you can’t pick up where you left off a few years ago. The workout DVDs that you used to love have too much up and down. The classes at your gym spend a lot of time doing planks. While you refuse to join the water Zumba set you’re fairly certain that you’re not ready – yet – for Body Pump either.
It’s never too late to regain strength and balance. The question is…how do you start?

6 Better Breakfast Ideas For A Busy Morning
You’re busy. You’re also tired of feeling sick and tired.
You hate the draining feel of your midday energy slump. You arrive home after work starving, causing you to inhale dinner. Then you keep snacking, trying to fill the gnawing in your stomach and satisfy your stress cravings. You know you’re sabotaging yourself with the end of day overload.
You’re also ready, willing and able to do things differently.
You’re fully aware that a big part of the solution to your low energy and end of day overeating issues lies in a better breakfast. Really any breakfast since right now breakfast is usually a latte (and a banana if you walk into Starbucks when the drive-up line is too long).
September is National Better Breakfast Month and I am here to help you honor it with a new morning ritual.

3 Ways To Fight The Health Risks Of Sitting All Day
10,000 steps!! Who has time for 10,000 steps? You’re not a mail carrier or a RN. You sit at a desk every day. Occasionally you move to a conference room but for hours at a time you are chained to your office chair. You’re not looking for a career change but you worry about the health risks of sitting all day. You can’t help but think…
Is my sedentary desk job killing me?

Uses For Matcha: A Beginner’s Guide
From the menu of your favorite coffee shop to the delicious smoothie bowls in your Instagram feed, it feels like matcha is everywhere! There seem to be hundreds of uses for matcha when you check Pinterest. Everyone is talking about it, drinking it or cooking with it.
You feel like you need to give matcha a try but you’re not quite sure what all the fuss is about. What is matcha? Is it tea? Is it a superfood? Is it a supplement?

You Can Be A Hero Too! – Run 10 Feed 10
You’re running schedule is a bit sporadic but you could run a 5K pretty much any weekend you wanted. It might not be fast and it might not be pretty, but you could do it. The thought of doing a “big race” keeps swimming around in your head. A few years ago you ran a...

10 Excellent Reasons To Visit Your Farmers Market This Week
Did you know there is a little oasis of calm just around the corner? You might not think of it as a place to slow down but your local farmers market is the perfect way to downshift your weekend. That is just one of the many benefits of farmers markets. If you keep telling yourself you should go the farmers market this Saturday but never seem to make it there, I have 10 reasons why you should shop at the farmers market this week.