The Interesting Ways Coloring Will Improve Your Life
How do you unwind at the end of the day?
Are you endlessly scrolling Facebook, getting more and more stressed out by your aunt’s political views? Or do you zone out while re-watching Friends on Netflix with a glass of wine?
I’ve got a better way to relax and let go of your day. It’s time to give your chattering monkey mind something less stimulating to focus on as you transition from a busy day to good night’s sleep. Let’s talk about the benefits of adult coloring and how to use adult coloring to relax.

Subscription Services To Help You Live a Healthier Life
You know exactly what is important to you.
You have built a career you love with space for family and friends. There is time in your schedule to move every day, even if it’s just mowing the lawn and weeding the garden. You make time to sit down and enjoy meals that nourish your body. Yes, you’ve got your priorities set. However, there is just one problem.
You hate shopping for those nourishing foods and health life essentials. You love vegetables but you can’t make yourself get up and go to the farmer’s market on Saturday. You run out eggs and English breakfast tea all the time. Instead you’ll rely on Starbucks for breakfast for a solid week before you make yourself go grocery shopping. You may have found yourself racing through a drugstore late at night once or twice for basic personal care items.
Sometimes it is a matter of time, especially during your busy season. Being short on time makes you even more protective of your book club date or going to your niece’s soccer game. When you’re late leaving the office the last thing you want to do is shop for vitamins and lunches for the week.
Thankfully you live in a time when subscription services are all the rage. And they aren’t just for make-up and clothes. There are plenty of ways to automate healthy living staples with subscription services. Instead of running out and doing without, here are the subscription services you need for automating your healthy life.

A Step-By-Step Guide To A No Judgement Food Journal
It was the reason you couldn’t stick with Weight Watchers.
It was a constant source of frustration for you and your leader. You couldn’t seem to get past it or communicate to her exactly what the problem was. You just couldn’t make yourself keep a food journal.
You tried to convince her that you were counting points in your head. Both of you knew it was never a very accurate count. The results made neither of you happy.
She never understood the anxiety you faced having to “balance the checkbook”. You would feel proud of choosing almonds over potato chips one minute and feel like a failure the next when you went over your points for the day. How can one number hold such power? Fear would slowly creep in as you realized how close you were to going over the line for the week. The pressure of it all would make you say “what the hell” by Saturday night and cozy up with a points busting pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
The truth is food accountability and keeping a food journal can be extremely helpful on a fitness journey. However, that doesn’t mean you have to count calories, points or macros. It’s all of matter of learning how to create and keep a no judgment food journal.

9 Signs It’s Time To Fire Your Personal Trainer
You didn’t want to see the guy your cousin recommended. You didn’t like the idea of letting random chance match you up. Instead you took your time and did your research. You made sure your choice checked off all your boxes. At that first meeting, it was like chatting with an old friend. It felt comfortable yet with a hint of anticipation.
You really felt like you had the perfect personal trainer match. He said all the right things, sharing a fitness philosophy that felt like your own. He talked about nutrition and didn’t mention supplements once. The price and schedule were both right. You made the commitment. You kept all your dates but it didn’t take long for something to seem not quite right.
After only a couple of months together, you’re starting to questions your choice. The meal plan he’s given you seems impossible to follow when you’re cooking for a family. You find yourself dreading his intense workouts that leave feeling you sick, tired and soooo sore for days. You cringe when a training appointment reminder shows up in your email. You are wondering, where you did it all go wrong?

The Happiness Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Today
When was the last time you thought about what really makes you happy?
When was the last time you thought about the things that bring you joy?
Have you fallen victim to the same happiness mistakes that I did?
As kids, happiness is something you don’t have to think about too much. Then you get older, life takes a few funny turns and you forget that it is even okay to be happy. You never thought about where happiness comes from or learned that you are in charge of your own happiness. You might never have been informed you cannot count on anyone else to bring you joy. You might even still be under the impression that joy must always be spontaneous, like it felt when you were a kid. You never really learned the secret of happiness is…

Forget The Instant Pot! 10 Must Own Essential Cooking Tools
It’s not that you don’t know how to cook.
Mom taught you how to do a taco casserole and scrambled eggs. Dad made sure you understood how to cook chicken on the grill. Mac-n-cheese and spaghetti are easy – you just follow the direction on the box.
Knowing doesn’t equal doing. For many years you’ve depended on frozen dinners and take out for your meals. (As well as the occasional dinner with Mom and Dad. Thank goodness they still live close by.) So far you’ve even managed to lose fat and feel stronger without moving too far away from this model. You’ve learned that there are healthier frozen meals than the “green box” choices. You’ve figured out that you can buy eggs already hard-boiled and found a great easy to grab protein bar for breakfast.
Now you’ve reached the point in the journey where it is time to make a nutrition upgrade. It’s time to start cooking more. Not bake your own bread or homemade protein bars but just a couple of dinners a week that didn’t come out some kind of a box.
You’ve found a few recipes and figured out that Hy-Vee delivers. There is just one last thing…you need to have the right tools for the job.

Rest vs Active Recovery: What’s The Difference?
A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. You’ve heard this loose interpretation of Newton’s First Law of Motion before. It describes you perfectly. When you’re going, you keep going. If you’re hitting the gym every day and packing lunch every night, you see and feel your body change.
The problem is when you stop. One late morning where you skip the gym or you forget to bring your lunch and it’s all over. The next day it’s a little easier to hit snooze or forget you brought an egg salad wrap and baby carrots when someone asks you out for lunch. For you consistency means every day, all or nothing.
Which is why the suggestion of taking a day off workouts on purpose scares you.

4 Foolproof Tips For Delicious Summer Salads
What happened to lazy summers? Sure the students are gone but your work hasn’t stopped. In fact, your plate seems to be fuller than ever. Despite the “break” in the Junior League schedule, the committee meetings are still popping up on your calendar. Your in-laws are downsizing and need your help cleaning out the garage. The lawn won’t mow itself.
Your husband has thankfully agreed to grill on the weekends but during the week you’re still “discussing” what’s for dinner as you walk in the door from work. Neither of you really want to cook but you know if you go out you won’t be able to say no to a post dinner Butter Pecan Concrete. It’s safer to stay home.
Wouldn’t a salad be easy? Easy but boring you think. Ugh…. iceberg lettuce with ranch and grilled chicken breast…again? You know you’ll be scrounging the cupboards for flavor later. Even spinach with fresh strawberries is getting a little old.
Perk up dinner with these ideas for delicious summer salads.

5 Strength Training Exercises For New Runners
You took the fitness plunge in January and it stuck. You’ve got a regular Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday date with squats and pushups. You like walking on the treadmill with Netflix a couple of times a week too. Your body is stronger and the weight is slowly but steadily coming off. Better still, you LIKE this feeling. You get excited to work out. Who knew that would happen?
With a confidence you’ve never felt before, you think you might be ready to take on a new challenge. Every fall your daughters’ school has a 5K. You’ve never been brave enough to even walk it before. This year your heart says RUN IT.
Of course you should! Training for a 5K is a great fall goal. Late spring/early summer makes the perfect time to start training, provided you’ve been building a base of strength first. I never suggest people start their fitness journey with running because the body needs preparation to take on the high impact forces. However, if you’ve been in a workout routine for 3-6 months, you’re body should be ready to giving jogging a try.

Forget Superfoods, Try These Simple and Super Power Pairs Instead
Your busy life does not allow time for multi-step meals and complicated recipes. There is no time for searching the market for “superfood” ingredients. The idea of growing your own veggies for nutrient rich “farm to table” cuisine might be an idea for retirement. If you’re being honest, however, you’d rather catch a documentary on Netflix on food than grow your own.
For your life right now, simplicity is the name of the game. You mission is to get the most nutrient bang for your buck using simple and delicious foods. Your goal is to find out if simple superfoods exist.
Lucky for you there are simple and super power pairs.