15 Minute NO JUMP HIIT Workout

15 Minute NO JUMP HIIT Workout

Busy weeks are the norm…but this week really takes the cake.

You’ve got project at work that is requiring more overtime than usual. Your sister and your best friend are celebrating their birthdays this week. Somehow it is also your turn to host book club. Your mother needs help with her computer…again.

How easy it would be to skip your workouts this week. The idea of pushing pause is tempting but your doctor is really pleased with the lifestyle changes you’ve made. At your last visit, your blood pressure was down and you had dropped a few pounds. She wants you to keep getting your heart rate up every day. You have to admit your consistent exercise habit, along with the simple nutritional changes you’ve made, have you feeling more energetic than you have in years.
Energy that you are really going to need to make it through this week.

30 minutes on the treadmill in the morning or stopping at the gym on the way home just doesn’t feel possible right now. You’ve considered trying some of the quick high intensity home workouts you’ve found on Pinterest. The promise of getting your workout done in 15 or 20 minutes sounds great; the jump squats and burpees do not.
Fear not! You can get a fast HIIT workout without jumping!

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3 Essential Teas For Better Heart Health

3 Essential Teas For Better Heart Health

Your planner sits before you, exposing the harsh truth about the week ahead.

Your schedule is completely booked before Monday even arrives.
Your life right now requires you to make the most have of your time and to always be on the look out healthy quick hits.

Here’s a great heart healthy hack to add to your list of 10 minute workouts and 5 minute meditations: a cup of tea.

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What No One Tells You About Lent

What No One Tells You About Lent

Warming up the one grande cofffee you allow yourself per day in the microwave, you hear a voice over your shoulder,

“I’m going to miss that. I don’t know why I decided to give up coffee for Lent this year.”

Funny, you think to yourself, I didn’t know she was Catholic. Before you can respond she asks,

“What are you giving up for Lent?”

You may not know your co-worker that well but you know for a fact you are NOT Catholic. You tell her that you’re not giving up anything because you are not Catholic. She responds that neither is she but it’s a thing at her church and her yoga class. She figures that laying off the morning Café Mocha would not only be good for her waistline but her budget too.
Lent. It’s a thing, she says, to see what you can do without.

As she walks off, you contemplate that idea. You get curious. Is that what Lent is really about? Is it really just about going without?

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3 Sensational Ways To Flavor Roasted Chickpeas

3 Sensational Ways To Flavor Roasted Chickpeas

Eat your protein.

Everyone keeps saying it. Everyone from the health reporter on the 5 o’clock news to your marathon running sister-in-law is telling you to eat your protein. A magazine cover shouts it at you in the grocery check out line. Your favorite coffee shop has just added a protein smoothie to its menu.

You probably should listen but you’ve never really been a big meat eater. You love snacking on berries and apple slices for a snack. You would gladly take a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup over chili any day. You like eggs but you’re not sure if it is really a good idea to eat them all day long.

Here’s a thought from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for American:

Legumes (beans and peas) may also be considered part of the protein foods group as well as the vegetables group…

Beans! Now there is an option with some possibility, you think….

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4 Essential Steps To Eating Like A French Woman

4 Essential Steps To Eating Like A French Woman

Sometimes it’s hard to shake vacation mode.

The alarm was particularly cruel that first Monday back. While craving some normalcy after a chaotic January, being back at work just wasn’t as lovely as strolling in Marais.

Working on programs while eating my salad, I think about my desire to eat like a French woman. I simply can’t shake the notion that she would never be caught eating at her desk.

There are so many things I love about Paris but I think the food culture tops my list. From the standardization of both the process and the price of a baguette to the fact that the presentation on your plate is just as important as the taste, the French don’t just respect food – the revere it.
With all this food worship how do French women avoid gaining weight?

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5 Simple Tactics To Minimize Post Workout Soreness

5 Simple Tactics To Minimize Post Workout Soreness

As you hoist your gym backpack on, your arms feel a bit weak. Funny, you think as you walk towards the locker room door, it didn’t seem that heavy on your way here.

Fresh from your first Pound class, you feel tired but good. This was the perfect way to get back into a real workout groove! With the music blasting and the sticks flying, the hour flew by. Now that class is over and you make your way to the care you find your legs are a bit like jelly as you negotiate the stairs. You were having such a good time you really didn’t realize what an intense workout it was.

You’re starting to think you may have overdone it a bit as the endorphins wear off and your arms seem a little shaky on the drive home. Yes, your body is definitely trying to tell you something; you’re going to be sore tomorrow.

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is a normal reaction to starting a new fitness program or even changing up the types of activities you do. Normal, however, doesn’t make it any more pleasant.
If you act fast after a tough workout you can minimize post workout soreness and improve your recovery time.

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How To Rewrite The Rules And Reject The Diet Mentality

How To Rewrite The Rules And Reject The Diet Mentality

Surely there are some things that aren’t allowed?

How is it possible to know what is right when you don’t know what is wrong?

In rejecting the Diet Mentality and All or Nothing thinking, you have to rewrite the “rules”. You have to write your own Owner’s Manual based on what makes sense for YOU.
You have to face the fears, know you are enough and listen to your body to find your way.
The third part of the Middle Ground Manifesto is what makes it possible to go after your goals and live a balanced life at the same time.

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How To Rewrite The Rules And Reject The Diet Mentality

How To Face Your Fears Of Never Enough

It can feel strange taking a day off or only working out for 30 minutes.

It is hard to accept that a little can go a long way.

The gremlins will still say “what the hell, what’s another …and another…” to the cookies in the break room or the wine after dinner.

Letting go of the comfortable structure of extremes can be hard. When there are clear-cut rules of can and can’t, you don’t have to think as hard. You don’t have to face your fears and ask yourself the tough questions.

Instead of finding what you seek in the rigid extremes, you need to find your middle ground in the idea of ENOUGH.

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The Super Shake Guide

Is there such a thing as the "perfect meal"? Find out how to do it with the FREE Kitchen Rescue Pak: How To Create The Perfect Meal, How To Master Meal Prep & The Super Shake Guide.


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