Why You Need A Personal Word For The Year

Why You Need A Personal Word For The Year

2016 was a roller coaster and you’re ready to get off. You’re ready to reclaim your ground and make 2017 the year of YOU.

Your first instinct is to make a cup of tea and start a huge list of goals for 2017. Okay…go with your gut. Maybe this is even the time to start your 100 Dreams List. But before you start picking which goals to tackle first I want you to sit back and look at the big picture.

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How To Say NO Mindfully

How To Say NO Mindfully

That familiar ding makes you turn your head.

You know you should close your email when working but you can’t help it. Hopefully this email is the supplier information you’ve been waiting for. Or maybe the confirmation that your husband’s Christmas present has finally shipped. (Talk about cutting it close!)

No. It’s from the chair of your Junior League committee…again. This time she would like to know if you could you pick up some flyers from the printer and a few other supplies on your way to the committee meeting tonight? No big deal, she says. It’s on your way, right?

Just on your way…no big deal…

You grit your teeth. Besides your general displeasure at a meeting the week before Christmas you aren’t happy about giving away the sliver of YOU time you had cut out in your schedule today. Your plan was a quick workout, shower and snack before the committee meeting. If you add these errands (because there is ALWAYS a line after 5 pm at the printer) you’ll probably only have time to eat a protein bar in the car. Forget the much needed sweat therapy.

Before you her email back a terse OK, remember you have just as much right to say no as she does to ask you to help her out. She’s not trying to ruin your evening. She’s just trying to get things done like the rest of us. With that in mind, it won’t kill her or you if you say NO. When someone asks you to a last minute holiday party or to do just one more thing before you start your Christmas vacation know that saying NO is okay.

Learning how to say NO is a tough but rewarding skill. Here’s a three step plan to saying a kind and mindful NO instead of a YES you might regret.

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A Cup Of Cheer! 6 Teas to Brighten Your Holiday

A Cup Of Cheer! 6 Teas to Brighten Your Holiday

This year, your Christmas Spirit has been slow to come. With everything pulling you in a million directions you haven’t had time to curl up and watch Love Actually. Your copy of Wally Lamb’s “Wishin’ and Hopin’” peaks out from the bookshelf, waiting for your annual holiday read.

Maybe today, you think. You’ll throw some laundry in the washer and load the dishwasher. Then you can settle into your favorite chair, just for an hour. Just you, a book and cup of special Christmas tea.

If your holiday spirit hasn’t quite kicked in yet, perhaps it is time to give yourself a gentle nudge with some cheer in a cup. Here are six of the best holiday teas to help soothe your soul and find the joy of the season.

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My Best Holiday Fitness Advice – EVER!

My Best Holiday Fitness Advice – EVER!

The basics are the basics…even at Christmas.

They may even be MORE important now than the rest of the year.

Tensions are high post election, making some holiday gatherings more stressful than usual. Parties add to what I call The Introvert’s Dilemma: the desire to connect with close friends, to be connected, that competes with the desire at the end of the day to go home, put on your pajamas and color in quiet. The break room is overflowing with gifts of fudge and popcorn as your stress level inches up to meet year end deadlines.
How do we survive it all unscathed and still fitting into our pants when 2017 arrives?

I get a lot of questions and requests for my best advice to survive the holidays. I’ve written a lot of posts over the years that talk about party strategies and quick workouts. I think they have good tips but I think I’ve missed the mark before on the real answer. (Although I’ll share a few of what I think are the most helpful posts at the end of this one, I promise.) I think the real secret to THRIVING during the holidays has less to do with a healthier pumpkin pie recipe and more to do with how we view our fitness journey and our life.
So here’s what I think is my best holiday fitness advice – ever.

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8 Gift Ideas To Supercharge Your Fitness

8 Gift Ideas To Supercharge Your Fitness

You signed on for 6 months. In your determined brain you thought you’d have this fitness thing nailed by then and be off on your merry way. You figured you would give it your all, do the hard work and then be able to go back to normal.

Now two years later you realize this is your normal. You now understand that healthy and fit isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. You also feel so great that you know there is no going back, only pushing forward.

If you’re committed to the journey, why not go above and beyond? Why not make things a little nicer, a little more stylish and perhaps a little more challenging? Now is the time to think about how you can upgrade your fitness journey.

Check out these eight great gift ideas to help you supercharge your fitness journey!

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A Complete Guide To Healthy Living Subscription Boxes

A Complete Guide To Healthy Living Subscription Boxes

You don’t have the time or the desire to go grocery shopping most weeks, much less the mall. You find no joy in the holiday “bonus” of fighting the crowds and venturing out in the cold, rain or snow.

Yet why should your niece and BFF suffer? You want to get them something special for Christmas. You love giving. You just hate the search for the right gift on a deadline. You dislike the pressure and crowds of the season.

However, you love surprising them with treasures from your travels and random fun things you see online. More than once you’ve sent a book to your niece from her GoodReads list just because. It’s not unusual for you to grab an extra London Fog for your office bestie.
What if you could make it Christmas every month? What if you could give fun and special gifts without getting out your pajamas? It’s totally possible when you give someone a healthy living subscription box for the holidays.

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Your 4 Step Plan To Outsmart PMS Cravings

Your PMS cravings hit like clockwork. A week or so before your period the desire for brownies and ice cream or chips and salsa kicks in with a vengeance. One day you’re perfectly satisfied all morning long with your protein bar and apple for breakfast and the next you’re reaching for your lunch at 10 am.

By mid afternoon your stomach is rumbling and your brain feels fuzzy. Without even realizing it, you’ve devoured enough Hersey’s snack bars to equal a full sized bar or two. (And you don’t even like milk chocolate!) Your normal solutions to stop the evening munchies just don’t cut it. Thank goodness you no longer keep emergency cookie dough in the freezer.

Then suddenly, just before your period starts, the hunger subsides and you start to feel like yourself again.

There has to be something wrong, you say to yourself. It can’t be normal to feel like you want to eat anything that isn’t nailed down.

It’s perfectly normal. Learn why and how to outsmart your monthly cravings.

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3 Delicious And Dairy Free Protein Bars

The boxes of protein bars are overwhelming. You try to focus on finding brands recommend to your co-workers. They each have a favorite amazing protein bar that they insist you should try. Every time someone sees you staring down the vending machine, pleading for it to give you a healthy option, she chimes in with recommendations. Everyone means well and you appreciate their support. However, as you pick up the bars on your Post-it note list there seems to be one problem.

They all have whey protein in them.

Need a protein bar for a quick and easy afternoon snack? Need one without whey protein? Check out these 3 delicious and dairy free protein bars.

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