The Foolproof Way To Stay Motivated This Winter
I know it’s not even Halloween yet but you’re probably already thinking about winter and the holidays. Maybe it’s with excitement. Maybe you’re looking forward to your first Red Cup of the season and watching A Christmas Story. Or perhaps there is a little uneasiness and worry?
How am I going to manage to stay focused on my fitness journey with all the stress and temptation the holidays bring?
Who is going to be the angel on my shoulder and help me stay motivated this winter?
Me, that’s who.
Me and your Small Victories Accountability Group teammates. We’re your foolproof way to stay motivated this winter. Don’t miss your chance to join us now!

The Refill Your Cup Fall Reading List
Fall has always been your favorite season. The cool crisp mornings are perfect for walking the dog. You love the warm softness of your favorite sweatshirt while you cheer on your alma mater at football. Can anything taste better than grilled cheese and tomato soup?
There is another reason to embrace fall. It gives us permission to let go and embrace self-care.
I started this fall reading list while at Timber Creek for my Refill Your Cup retreat. Let it be both a treat and a help to letting go.

5 Reasons To Run With A Group
I met Tam at IDEA World BlogFest. Her spirit impressed me but I didn’t get to hang with her as much as I would have liked too. That’s why I made sure to check out her blog more when I got home. I was impressed and intrigued with her running journey. I tip my hat to anyone who does an ULTRA Marathon. Enjoy this post on how a running with a group might be trick that helps you become a runner too. – Pamela
Tam says “Running is a tough sport. It’s hard on the body, it can hurt and you can always find a reason not to run. When you’re part of a group, you can find inspiration from your fellow runners. You can find company when you need it and most importantly, you can have post-run coffee and talk about running some more!”

5 Tips For Better Fitness In Your 50s
I am always in awe of Jody’s Instagram posts. Her strength – inside and out – is amazing. She’s got some great perspective on how our workouts should change as we change and better fitness in your 50s. – Pamela
For those that missed my first post for Pamela, I lost my weight in high school – I was 30-40 pounds overweight on a 5’1” body – but it took me many years to get this right! I made many mistakes along the way! I am still learning through all the hormone changes. YES, I still have issues even a few years into menopause. I understand some have hormone problems well into their 70’s. I hope that is not me! I may be thrown in jail for doing something not nice! – Jody

4 Steps To Better Injury Rehab Results
I always feel so grateful for friends who don’t even hesitate when I ask them them for a guest post. I’m kicking off my annual (?) blog hiatus with an inspiring post from someone I 100% trust to give it to you straight. Michelle’s own journey provides a great mental game plan on how to rehab an injury – Pamela
At some point in our fitness journey, we will all more than most likely embark on an injury. Now, this could be an injury due to poor movement patterns, one due to lack of body control, or just something that happens out of the blue when we aren’t in tune with our innermost gut feelings. Irregardless of how the injury came to be, I have some tips and experience points to share today that will get you back AND better than ever.

My Unexpected Favorite Thing About Beijing
What was your favorite thing? What was the best part of the trip?
These are the question you always get after a vacation, especially one that takes you to the other side of the world. I get those questions several times a day as I see clients for the first time post travel. What was the best thing about visiting Beijing? I took a lot of time before I went back to work to ponder the answer.
To be honest, my favorite thing about Beijing wasn’t the the tea or the food.

A Quick Guide: Healthy Lunches For Work
There are too many decisions to be made in the day. Your routine is really the only thing saves you.
You’ve done as much as you can to streamline and automate your day as possible. You’ve got a capsule wardrobe and all the bills are on auto pay. You’ve even signed up for a healthy meal delivery service so you don’t have to worry about dinner. Breakfast has been narrowed down to two weekly options so thinking is completely optional.
If only you had a way to simplify lunch. Lunch seems to be harder to tame. Perhaps it’s the mixture of days on the road, at your desk or stuck in a meeting around noon, but you really struggle with eating a balanced lunch.
With a little planning, you can create a lunchtime habit gives you plenty of energy to tackle your busy afternoon but is flexible enough to meet your always changing schedule. If you’re still working on mastering the midday meal as part of your weekly stress free meal plan, here’s my quick guide to healthy lunches at work.

No More DVDs! Find Your Next Workout On Apple TV
You’re pretty sure your husband is trying to make up for not getting an Atari as a kid. There are so many gadgets attached to the television you’re never sure what remote to use when you want to watch Ellen. You’ve had to wake him up more than once to ask again which device to use for your favorite kickboxing workout DVD.
When he mentions to you that he really wants an Apple TV, you roll your eyes a tiny bit. But before you start to reply with the reasons why you don’t need another piece of living room hardware, you pause.
Didn’t I see something the magazine in the break room about workouts on Apple TV?
Didn’t it mention it was just as easy to use as an app on your iPad? Maybe I shouldn’t protest to hard on this one.
Maybe I can get rid of my workout DVDs all together!
Streaming workouts are the hottest thing in working out from home. Apple TV makes it even easier because it so familiar. Signing up for a workout channel is just like downloading a new app to your iPad. Except with Apple TV you’ve got a much bigger screen and a sleek uncomplicated and distinct remote to help you navigate all the fantastic new fitness options. Unlike a DVD you won’t get bored with hundreds of options to choose from every day.
Overwhelmed by that many choices? Don’t worry; I’ve narrowed it down to what I think are the six best fitness apps on Apple TV. Here’s your quick guide to the best workouts on Apple TV.

Why You Need A Wellness Retreat
Time to be alone? Are you kidding?
Time to deal with all the changes at the office? Only when someone schedules a last minute meeting so we can try to get on the same page…
Time to dream? Not sure when…
I need to tell you something very important.
There is no badge for being busy. There are no bonus points for perfection.
You can’t pour from an empty cup.
Which is why you need a wellness retreat….

How To Stay Fit While Working From Home
Congratulations! You have finally escaped the cube farm and negotiated a work from home schedule. You imagine sleeping in a little later, trading high heels and skirts for sneakers and sweats and saving a ton of money skipping Starbucks runs in favor of making your own matcha latte at home.
Don’t get too excited just yet. Working from home has its own unique challenges, especially when it comes to fitness. Check out these lessons I learned from my “former life” on how to stay fit while working from home.