7 Powerful Tips To Be More Body Positive
There is a voice in your head that first made itself known in early adolescence.
In the beginning it was very subtle. Perhaps it started out as questioning your changing body as you watched your mother judge her own shape in the mirror. It could been from the confusion of watching her struggle on the latest diet, labeling certain foods off limits for reasons you didn’t understand. Maybe it was the whisper of her well-intentioned warnings in the back of your brain.
Do you really think you should have that ice cream?
Maybe you should be getting skim milk at school instead of 2 percent?
As a young woman the inner critic grew louder and more persistent. The media amplified it. It was made worse by the cruel things boys and queen bees say. It was a part of the struggle to be accepted, to fit in with your peers.
Then somehow it became your own voice. Now when you look in the mirror the words aren’t in your head. They come out of your mouth.
I just want to get rid of this (grabbing at your stomach).
How did I get so old and fluffy?
I am so lazy.
You say things to yourself that you would never say to a friend.
The road to real fitness isn’t easy. There will be plenty of people trying to throw you off course. The last thing you need is your own voice joining theirs in saying you can’t do this. You need to replace the tapes that you’ve been recording for years. You need to talk back and fight the inner critic.
You need to learn to love a body in transition.

6 Incredibly Satisfying Veggie Burgers For Your Summer Cookout
Your decision to give up red meat doesn’t have to leave you out of the family cookout. Veggie burgers have greatly improved over the years. Boxed varieties can stand up well to the grill and homemade versions will look so good you might make a convert or two. (At least for that day.) If you want the authentic cookout experience, then a frozen veggie burger is the safest best. Just put down some foil on the grill to avoid an unexpected meaty surprise.
Then pick one of these six amazing veggie burgers!

How To Conquer Your Fitness FailPoint
You don’t need a workout plan. You don’t need another diet. You need a coach and an accountability partner to conquer your Fitness FailPoint!
For about the cost of one personal training session you’ll have 12 weeks of accountability and encouragement to help you realize the power of consistency and taste the success of small victories.
Ready to conquer your Fitness FailPoint?

Wisdom In A Cup: 7 Valuable Life Lessons From Midwest Tea Fest
Midwest Tea Fest 2016 was …..nice.
It wasn’t particularly huge. (Although I hear it was bigger and better than last year.) I didn’t really learn much about tea production or blending. I tasted some great teas and some not so great teas. I discovered they make green tea Kit Kats but choose to try the homemade matcha brownie instead. I brought home plenty of samples (although Brian isn’t sharing from his double stuffed bag.)
What saved the weekend for me (besides the Greyliner from Hugo Tea Company) were the people. It was the wisdom and valuable life lessons shared by those who make tea their life

5 Tips To Beat The Summer Workout Slump
The date is circled on the family calendar. Everyone in the house is patiently waiting for it, anticipating the freedom of the last day of school and the kick off to summer.Everyone except you.You enjoy the pool and evenings on the patio just as much as the next person, but when the kids don’t go to school your schedule goes from simply hectic to hair on fire crazy. With camps, tournaments, birthday parties and the cries of “can’t we do SOMETHING?” you’re summer is anything but a break.

Forget The Wine! 10 Smarter Relaxation Techniques For Stressed Out Women
The day started with high hopes.
But by the end of the day you are mentally and physically drained from too much sitting, not enough water, rapid-fire questions from your boss about the data you crunched and mind numbing web-based training. All you want to do is slip into your pajamas and watch HGTV with a glass of wine or two and put the day behind you.
I hate to burst your bubble but wine isn’t really helping you or your fitness goals.
In the moment a glass of Chardonnay does make the stress melt away. Popular culture also tells us (thanks Sex in the City) that it’s the way smart and successful women relax, but in the long term your nightly wine habit will only hurt you.

10 Fresh and Easy Asparagus Recipes To Enjoy Right Now
Farmers Market of the Ozarks (my market of choice) stays open all year long but the selection is small during the winter months. The last days of April start the slow and steady rise to a full and vibrant summertime market. There are gorgeous hanging baskets and barely beginning tomato plants for your own growing pleasure. Greens like spinach and chard make their appearance along with herbs like chives and mint. But what really draws me to the market this time of year (besides the relaxation of strolling will drinking a cup of English Breakfast tea) is the asparagus.
Right now is the perfect time to enjoy this nutrient rich vegetable. Asparagus is a prebiotic food that is high in vitamins A, C, E and K as well as chromium, a trace mineral important to the body’s ability to use insulin and transport glucose out of the blood stream. Asparagus is also very easy to quickly get on the table so take advantage when it’s in season, fresh and affordable.

The CONFIDENT Workout Playlist
When was the last time you took a gym selfie?
I do it more than I used to.
Turn on this playlist. Snap a selfie and hashtag it #confident.
I want you to take a moment the next time you’re in the gym and look in the mirror. I want you to see how strong and amazing you are. I want you to be confident – in your ability, your worth and your beauty.

The Best Workout Recovery Drink That No One Is Talking About
When you signed up to run your half marathon it was not without reservations. The time commitment seemed daunting but once you found a plan that has you running only three days a week it felt doable. There was the race fee, which was substantially more than the your last 5K. You do get some nice bling at the finish line plus a giant swag bag. That along with the sense of accomplishment you know you’ll have made it easier to click the PAY button. Then there was the biggest worry of all.
Can my body handle 13.1 miles at once plus all the miles I have to cover to get there?
Yes, it can…as long as you have a well-designed plan with recovery built in.
It also helps to have a secret recovery weapon or two. My top suggestions are Epsom salt bathes, plenty of sleep and turmeric.

Protein Ninja: Plant-based Protein Recipes Guaranteed To Please!
You’ve come to love meal prep time on Sunday’s. With a good book on Audible or Alabama Shakes on Spotify, you chop veggies and make quinoa salad with a smile. The ritual having a plan and being prepared is a relaxing one. Plus you love the time it saves you during the week. After a 10-hour Wednesday the last thing you want to do is cook when you finally get home from the gym.
No, the problem is no longer how to meal plan and prep. It’s the recipes. The old recipes based on pasta or chicken just aren’t cutting it anymore. Pasta is a treat you save for nights at your favorite Italian restaurant (because let’s be honest fresh pasta tastes better) and meat is really losing its appeal. You need new recipes to make that are plant-based and full of protein and veggies.