3 Books To Motivate You To Create The Life You Want
Something has to give. You keep going back to square one, starting a new workout plan or giving up diet Coke on a regular basis. But it never lasts for long. You feel like you know what to do to get healthy but you can’t seem to make yourself do it for longer than a few weeks.
The answer to staying power isn’t joining another boot camp or trying a different diet plan. Creating the life you want means letting go on some level the life you have. It’s about more than going to the gym and eating your veggies. It’s about going deep.
While you may need to change some of your tools, the foundation for lasting change starts with your belief system. You need to upgrade your personal operating system to reflect new ways of thinking and acting in your everyday life. I’ve got three books to help you upgrade your thinking and create the life you want.

What You Need To Know Before You Start A Personal Training Business
You’re ready to become a full-time personal trainer but you don’t have any clients. Unless you count your cousin that pays you when she can for the workouts you put together. Your friends said they would totally hire you once you got your certification but when you tell them the rate for your six-week boot camp you get ghosted. You’ve got plenty of likes but not a lot of follow. What’s the deal?
The deal is that you are a new personal trainer in a world of free fitness advice with zero business experience. All the influencers you follow have you convinced that making money is as easy as a couple of well-timed posts and an “inspirational” look. To go from side hustle to full time personal trainer you need more than hearts on your selfie to start a personal training business

3 Strategies To Reclaim Work-Life Harmony
You seem to be the woman who can’t say no. Your door feels like it has a sign on it that says “ask me to take on the next project”. While you want to be a supportive teammate, you’re done taking on the presentations that no one else wants to give or organizing the...

Quick Guide: Fitness Needs For Every Decade
Every woman on a fitness journey needs to nourish and move her body but how need to do it varies as we age. There are different fitness needs for every decade.

4 Essential Steps To A Basic Self-care Routine
Your self-care routine starts with self. It starts with getting clear about your identity, your values and your boundaries.
But defining self can be a long and sometimes uncomfortable process. You need help today.
You feel the pressure of first quarter filing deadlines at work, preteen struggles at home and a spouse who has no trouble putting their cycling group first. You’ll get to the exercises on identity later; today you need a way to preserve your sanity that doesn’t involve three glasses of wine and half a pizza.
There are no quick fixes for life’s most important problems but there are basic foundational habits that can help you form a basic yet effective self-care routine. These small steps done consistently will make a big difference.

How To Start Building A Smarter Self-care Strategy
I am quite surprised that “self-care” wasn’t on the “words to get rid of” list for 2019. Books, blogs and podcasts (including my own) talk about self-care with increasing frequency. It’s the buzzword du jou,r but what does it really mean?
Much of what you read about self-care is about short term and superficial solutions like getting a massage or treating yourself to your favorite tea. I am also guilty of this well-intentioned but short-sighted advice. A hot bath or a bouquet of flowers can be a soothing balm in a tough moment. But as soon as the water cools or the tea is gone, the comfort is often gone with it. It’s time to build a smarter self-care strategy with lasting results.

3 Steps That Will Motivate You To Make New Decade Goals
Forget ushering out the old year. It’s time to usher out an old DECADE. No pressure but have you made started on your new decade 2020 goals?

4 Superior Book of the Month Selections On Audio
Audiobooks are exploding and nothing could make this reader happier! Not only does it make it easier to read more books, I can get a new book almost any time I need it. Whether I download it from one of the library’s apps for free (Libby or Hoopla) or splurge on Audible, a new book to pass the time while I cook or drive is always available. If you need an easy last minute gift or the perfect way to pass the time driving to grandma’s house, these Book of the Month club selections from 2019 are exactly what you need on audio.

8 Extraordinary Gifts For Fitness Lovers That Are Under $75
Thanks to Starbucks and your favorite morning radio station, it feels like the Christmas holiday season started weeks ago. You know the marketing starts earlier and earlier every year, so you switched stations and decided to make your own tea at the office.
But Thanksgiving is this week! Looking at the calendar you realize that time has gotten away from you and it will be Christmas in just three weeks. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to get for the fitness lovers on your list. I’ve got you covered with eight gift ideas for fitness lovers.

The 10 Guiding Principles to a More Simplistic Healthy Holiday
I know it seems early but the holidays really are right around the corner. My friend, Brandy Hickman of Living Light with Brandy Lane, has some useful tips to help you find joy this season with a more simplistic healthy holiday. – Pamela
Is your calendar full and your to-do list too long? Are you trying to survive but feel like you are just keeping your head above water? Is calmness at your house during the holidays realistic? Or is it filled with chaos and busyness? All the activities and gatherings around the holidays can be fun but they can also bring quite a bit of stress, overindulgence, and fatigue. Taking time to nourish and care for yourself becomes increasingly important. Read these Guiding Principles to reduce stress and be calmer, healthier, and more joyful during this time of year.