The Subtle Art Of Eating To Gain Muscle
You’ve got a goal but you’re almost afraid to share it. You’re healthy, you’re active and you’re not afraid to put on shorts this summer. You’ve found a workout groove that makes you happy but… you need a new goal to fuel your fire. You want to get strong. You want to get bigger.
You know this means not just changing how you workout but also how you eat. The problem is finding information on how to do it safely and without gaining a lot of fat. You need to workout in a way that promotes muscle growth and eat more to build those muscles but you’re not sure how to do it.

The Supplement Guide You Can’t Live Without
The supplement aisle at Target is a scary place. You venture there to pick up Kind bars but you try to avoid making contact with the other side. You use the same multivitamin you always have and don’t see any reason to change. You eat healthy (most of the time) so what’s the point in trying to remember one more thing in your daily routine? If I really needed to take something else, you think, my doctor would tell me. (Like the calcium you keep forgetting.) You don’t want to be popping pills all day long if you don’t need to.
The problem is most of us do need supplements. For the most part, your doctor is just too uneducated to know it. It’s not really his fault that there is so little formal training in medical schools on nutrition. According to one study in the Journal of Biomedical Education, doctors receive on average only 19 hours of nutritional training in medical school. Enough to understand the basics but not nearly enough to help their patients eat to prevent disease and obtain optimal health. As for supplements, they can often be just as confused as we are.

5 Podcasts Guaranteed To Make Your Walk More Fun
Springing forward may not have brought warmer weather yet but it did bring longer days. You’re perfectly happy to grab a jacket to get in an after dinner walk with your husband and the dog. It’s the perfect time to connect and de-stress after a long day at the office.
But it’s not as much fun when he can’t join you. Boots is pretty good company but beagles aren’t known for their conversation skills. You get bored quickly when it is just the two of you, making it easy to go home as soon as Boots has done his business. Instead of a brisk 40 minutes you’re back on the couch in 10 watching with a good book.
How about making walking fun, relaxing and entertaining as that book and almost as good as walking with your other half?

Feeling Isolated? Join the April Accountability Project
Promise someone else and you can commit without fail.
Promise yourself and it almost never happens.
You are a classic Obliger. That means to make good habits stick and make changes for the better you need an accountability partner.
That’s my job. Of course I provide education, structure and motivation but another big reason clients seek me out is accountability. She wants a date on her calendar every week to meet someone who is going to check her homework and make a plan for the days to follow. Someone expecting her, texting her if she isn’t there and asking for her food log.
Would you like the same thing? Join me for the April Accountability Project

10 Self Care Rituals That Take Less Than 10 Minutes
What if you had the courage to claim 10 minutes of calm for yourself?
10 minutes is all it takes to practice a little self care to boost energy, improve mood and reduce stress. The only thing really stopping you (most of the time) is YOU.

How To Choose The Right Omega-3 Supplement For You
Nothing feels appetizing about eating salmon. While you might occasionally enjoy a good tuna salad the idea of just eating a grilled piece of fish does not appeal to you. Your memory turns back to the smell of the canned salmon your granny used to make fish cakes. Your stomach turns at the thought of the oddly pink flesh (and the occasional bone) being mixed with egg and saltines. No one is making you eat a fish cake before you can leave the table anymore! However the recommendations of health experts to eat fatty fish twice a week amounts to the same level of punishment in your mind. You much prefer milled flaxseeds in your morning smoothie or chia seeds in your oatmeal. The box boasts how much omega-3 essential fatty acids a serving contains, making you feel pretty confident in your choices. Won’t my daily seed habit be enough?
Not even close.

4 Ways To Make Sure A Workout Hiatus Doesn’t Turn Into A Permanent Vacation
There they sit at the front of your closet. As you try to muster the energy to get out of bed and make your first cup of English Breakfast you see them out of the corner of your eye. You remember how excited you were when you bought those cushy Brooks walking shoes. You paid more for them than any pair of shoes you’ve ever owned. “It’s an investment in my health,” you told yourself as you handed over your credit card. Fitted to you and in your favorite colors, those shoes where a symbol of the new path you were committed to staying on.
The reality of any fitness journey is there will be starts, stops, detours and road blocks. The most important thing you can learn is that fitness is not “ALL OR NOTHING”. If you have to take a day, a week or a month off it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed. It doesn’t put you back at square one. It just means you need to take that one first step again.

7 Recipes To Take The Mystery Out Of Cooking With Tofu
It’s not that you want to give up meat entirely. You just know that red meat and processed meats are not good for your body. (Not that you really loved hot dogs to begin with.) You get a little tired of chicken and salmon for dinner. You want to shake it up a little and experiment, not just on Meatless Monday. You’ve always wanted to learn how to cook with tofu but it seems a little intimidating. Plus you worry about cooking a meal that no one else will eat when they see this mystery ingredient on the counter.
7 Easy Recipes To Learn To Cook With Tofu

11 Healthy Lifestyle Products To Buy On Your Next Trip To Target
What you may not know is how much Target can help you build a fit lifestyle. Target has plenty of healthy living hacks to help make the most of your valuable retail therapy time. You may be a regular Target shopper for household staples and home goods. You know that they have yoga mats and Lunabars too but I bet there are few fit lifestyle products you haven’t found yet. Here’s my list of 11 healthy living products I want you to check out on your next trip to “Tarh-jay”.

Why You’ll Never Have Enough Time
Now I’ve just finished Vanderkam’s latest book, I Know How She Does It. I was excited to see what new tidbits I could learn from her work studying time logs of successful women. The study, called The Mosaic Project, stems from the work she did in 168 Hours and the desire to learn how these woman manage to “have it all”. (Spoiler: no one has it all.) My original goal was to find the best nuggets to share (and apply) in case you didn’t have time to read the book. However, when I sat down to review my notes and outline what I wanted to say something else very different bubbled to the surface.