How To Use Daylight Savings Time To Start A New Healthy Habit

How To Use Daylight Savings Time To Start A New Healthy Habit

Ever heard of the clean stale principle? Gretchin Rubin devotes a whole chapter to in it in Better Than Before and it is one of my favorite habit creation tools. Basically when we experience a life change we have an opportunity to begin a new. It can be as big as getting married or as simple as going on vacation. Anything that takes us out of normal patterns and routines gives us a better chance at making a new habit stick. Daylight Savings Time may be just what you need to put a new habit into place.

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31% Of Women Take Naps: Why You Should Too!

31% Of Women Take Naps: Why You Should Too!

I’ve been noticing my own sleep debt growing a bit lately. I’ve been getting up earlier to get projects done before the rest of the world gets humming and I’ve noticed being less energetic some evenings. That’s not fair to my clients, my husband or MYSELF. As I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier (with two more appointments to go) one Wednesday afternoon I made a make shift bed out of yoga blankets in the private training room. I put on a sleep mask (accidently left in my gym bag from a previous weekend getaway) and set my alarm for 25 minutes.

25 minutes of dark and quiet made me feel like a new woman.

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10+ Foolproof Tips To Eat More Vegetables Every Day

10+ Foolproof Tips To Eat More Vegetables Every Day

What kind of green vegetables can I eat for snacks?

What about V-8? Does that count as a vegetable?

I buy vegetables but then I forget I have them and they end up going to waste.


Any of the above sound familiar?

How many times have you struggled with the problem of how to eat more vegetables? If you’re revamping your daily diet to lose fat and have more energy vegetables are a must.
After getting more than normal vegetable questions recently I thought it would be a good time to revisit the subject.

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Who Else Loves Peanut Butter? 3 Reasons Why You Should

Who Else Loves Peanut Butter? 3 Reasons Why You Should

Cashew butter is $11.99 a jar.

Almond butter isn’t quite as expensive but it’s still more than you would like to spend on something you eat with your morning cup of tea. But you’re a Grown-up. Grown-ups eat things like almond butter on an artisanal whole grain roll with chia jam.

Says who?

I am pretty sure it wasn’t me. I have nothing against other nut butters. I just LOVE peanut butter. (Although not for breakfast and not on a roll.) Being a grown-up, in my opinion, means having the wisdom to make your own choices, for your own body and budget. My peanut butter may look a little different than the ants on a log I loved when I was 8 (and may still eat at Christmas with my nephews) but it still fits into a healthy grown up diet. In fact, I eat it every day and I think you should too.
Did you know March 1 is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day? What a perfect time to indulge your inner child like the smart fit female you are.

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4 Surprising Facts About Women’s Activewear

4 Surprising Facts About Women’s Activewear

Why do fashionable and functional always seem to be at odds when it comes to women’s activewear? And why does it all cost so much?

Because activewear is just like any other fashion or beauty trend. Ads aren’t reality. They are fun to look at and sometimes inspirational but I never feel they look like me in the gym. For one, I sweat a lot more. Not the pretty glow (which is really just water sprayed on the model) but dripping if it’s a hard workout – especially after a run. Also my abs are nowhere to be found. I’ve never had a six-pack or a desire to workout with my tummy on display. Most days I like my stomach just fine, I just feel like letting it all hang out. (Especially when my insulin pump is on display.)

Ads are an illusion and I want to talk reality for a moment. I want to celebrate the real activewear that we love to move in, even if it looks nothing like a Lululemon ad.

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5 (Almost) Perfect Protein Bars For An Easy Breakfast On A Busy Morning

5 (Almost) Perfect Protein Bars For An Easy Breakfast On A Busy Morning

The first rule of fat loss is to stop skipping breakfast.

You know you feel stronger and make better choices later with a healthy foundation of Greek yogurt and berries. If you have time to make a Mocha Chai Protein Smoothie for your morning commute you know you can tackle whatever surprises the day has in store for you.

But what about days where there is NO TIME for even the quickest mug souffle? Here’s my answer.

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15 Ways Aldi Can Help You Eat Healthier On A Budget

15 Ways Aldi Can Help You Eat Healthier On A Budget

Produce isn’t cheap. Even when you focus on buying organic for the just the Dirty Dozen it feels like your grocery budget is about to bust. You know eating clean is important and it will save you more money in the long. (Ever looked at the price of a heart attack?) Yet you still have to pay the mortgage NOW. Things will get better when the local produce starts to bloom but until then you’re wondering how you can find a corner or two to cut on your weekly grocery trip.

The first step to eating healthy on a budget is planning. If you have a plan for the week (or for two) you can make use of fresh ingredients that might go bad. For example, one head of cauliflower can make cauliflower fried rice plus a nice curry with chickpeas.

The second step is doing a monthly staple stock up at Aldi.

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Follow These 4 Steps For The Perfect Matcha Latte At Home

Follow These 4 Steps For The Perfect Matcha Latte At Home

You see it everywhere. In short bread cookies, green smoothies and tiny little cups, it is all over your Instagram feed. You notice their is even a trending hashtag – #matchalatte. Those lattes do look pretty tasty but you gave up lattes because really didn’t want to drink your calories. Now you sip your chai plain and enjoy every minute of it.

Still…you wonder if you are missing something. You’ve heard that matcha does have some pretty potent health benefits. Plus you love a reason to try a new tea. Why not give it a try the next time you roll through Starbucks?
Because the grande Green Tea Latte at Starbucks has 240 calories and 32 grams of sugar, that’s why.

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5 Simple Solutions For Indoor Cardio Without A Treadmill

5 Simple Solutions For Indoor Cardio Without A Treadmill

No crowds for you! You built your basic home gym for your morning strength workout. Your day is SO much better with an extra 30 minutes of sleep and the morning endorphin boost. Plus no one cares what your hair looks like while you work up a sweat in the t-shirt you wore to bed.

Yet, something is missing. It’s too cold to walk outside. You don’t have a treadmill. You may be asking yourself… How do I get my cardio?

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