The Perfect Workout Playlist To Kill It In The Gym!
You know my favorite way to make some motivation?
Check out my new workout playlist that makes me free strong and sexy in the gym!

Unlock The Secret To Motivation
Everyone is motivated on January 1. The promise of the New Year and a clean slate beckons you. The rush of the holidays has passed and you are hopeful for the calmer weeks ahead. This is the time, you say. I can finally focus on me.
The first workout ALWAYS feels good. It makes your cheeks glow, your brain buzz with endorphins and gives you the energy you’ve been craving.
The first week without sugar ALWAYS makes you feel amazing. You don’t feel sluggish. The bloat goes away. You think, THIS is how I am supposed to feel.
All the good feelings are there. All systems are go. That is until the first deadline hits. Until the first time you’re asked to watch your grand-baby instead of go to the gym. Until the first time someone asks you to meet for brunch.You skip a workout. You have a mimosa and a cinnamon role. Motivation forgotten, you say what the hell and stop on the way home for a dirty chai latte.
You blame a loss of motivation.
Your motivation IS gone but you don’t lose it – you forgot to create it.
Your 5 Step Plan For Stress Free Meal Planning
What’s for dinner?
No question can raise anxiety and cause chaos quicker than that one. When your eight year old finds you in the kitchen she assumes that you’re cooking, not trying to figure out where you left the checkbook. She looks hungry and you realize there is a little rumble in your belly.
No idea? Tired of hitting the drive up on the way home?
You need a meal plan. It doesn’t have every meal for the entire day on it and there isn’t any calorie counting. It needs to be quick, simple and functional. It needs to be a meal plan you’ll actually use.
Your 5 step plan for stress free meal planning is here.

8 Quick & Easy Vegetarian Soup and Chili Recipes
Why not try celebrating Meatless Monday with some of the easiest comfort foods available – soup and chili.
Who doesn’t love coming home to the smell of chili in the crock pot at the end of cold and gray winter day? Even the pickiest eaters can’t say no to soup and a sandwich. This list of vegetarian soup and chili recipes (plus a couple of easy button pre-made options) offers ideas that work for every family, budget and schedule. Pick one today to start you Meatless Monday habit next week!
4 Simple At Home Workouts For Absolute Beginners
Where does an introvert with a crazy schedule go when she wants to learn how to exercise safely and correctly but without an audience?
If you need a workout at home for the absolute beginner look no further. These four video workouts for beginners will help you get moving and build confidence without having to worry if everyone is watching you. You can do them on your schedule and without too much chance of hurting yourself. (I have to add this disclaimer for those who are a klutzy as I am. There is always risk involved with exercise. Trust me, the benefits far outweigh it. Still, accidents happen.)

Throw Away The Scale And Redefine Your Fitness Resolution
You didn’t even wait till New Year’s Day to start working out. You were in the gym, with the place pretty much to yourself, on December 26. You were ready to atone for the holiday “sins” of cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. You vowed to drink more water and bought plenty of greens. You didn’t even have popcorn at the movies on New Year’s Eve.
Yet there hasn’t been any change on the scale. Where did you go wrong?
Your plan is solid; it’s your goal that’s the problem. You need to stop thinking about weight loss. It’s time to ditch the scale and redefine you fitness resolution.

Why (And What) You Should Eat Before AND After A Morning Workout
How did you get talked into this?
Every year on December 31 your husband decides that he’s going to try P90X (again). This time I’m going to make it through the whole program, he says. This time he managed to convince you to join him.
Since this is your first try at the P90X, you’re not surprised to be moving at half the speed he is. What you don’t anticipate is nearly passing out after getting up from the push ups. You can’t be anymore out of shape than he is, but he barely pauses to notice you in a lump on the floor. You feel shaky and weak, definitely in no condition to move on.
Don’t worry. You’re not a weakling. You’re just running on empty.

How To Create The Luxury Of A Home Gym At A Bargain Price
The worst time to join a gym is January.
While the deals are plentiful, so are the crowds. When you only have 45 minutes between getting off work and picking up your daughters from their after school program the last thing you want to do is waste time circling the parking lot looking for a space or waiting for an elliptical machine to come open. Suddenly that special offer of only $10 a month doesn’t seem like such a bargain anymore. Your YOU time is valuable and limited so you need to make the most of it.
Creating a functional home gym is less expensive than you might think. For $100 or less you can get everything you need to make the most out of your workout time.

How To Cook Healthy With A Meal Delivery Service
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a gourmet meal at home that was healthy, easy and didn’t require you to plan it or stop at the grocery store on the way home?
I know you’ve been told that eating clean means not eating from a box. However, when it comes to healthy meal delivery services Hello Fresh and Green Chef I am going to make an exception.

Forget the App: How To Make A Fitness Planner You Will Actually Use!
Keeping a food journal is way easier than it used to be. Scan the bar code on your Luna bar and it appears under afternoon snack along side the Fuji apple (saved to your favorites of course.)The problem is that food journal app is only really good at tracking food.
You need a fitness planner that is fun and functional. It should be something you WANT to use. Your fitness planner should be easy to review and see your hard earned progress. Your fitness planner should be as unique as your fitness journey and ALL your individual goals.