The One Question That Explains Why You Can’t Keep Your Fitness Resolutions
I need to ask you a question. It’s a question so critical to your fitness journey that I’m ashamed I’ve never asked you before. It may be the one question that explains why you can’t keep our fitness resolutions. It may be the reason why every year you are fighting the same fat loss fight each January 1. It could be the root cause of each new attempt to not eat all the cookies while watching Netflix on Sunday night, to bring your lunch instead of hitting the drive up and to be able to say no to the pizza your son left in the refrigerator.

Simple Steps, Big Results – Start Your Fitness Journey Today
Right now is prime time for the diet industry. Celebrities are touting their transformations on television, beckoning you to call NOW and join them. As you try to browse the morning headlines on Yahoo you’re rudely interrupted with pop ups for detoxes and fast fixes. Despite your desire to make a change, to get a healthy body, you are completely turned off by the noise and their hype.
I know you are smarter than that. We’ve both been down THAT road before. That’s why I don’t make such bold promises or miracle claims. I know that quick fixes rarely fix anything. I know real fitness and health actually take some time and work.

Do Anywhere 4-Minute Resistance Band Workout
Road tripping for the holidays is hard enough. The last thing you want to do is add 2 pairs of dumbbells and a stability ball to the already overstuffed backseat. Grabbing a guest pass for the gym your cousin goes to is NOT going to happen. (Especially not after video he posted on Facebook his last sweat fest with his muscle bound buddies and AC/DC blaring in the background.) Your mother’s treadmill is out of commission, now serving as a plant stand. It’s only for a few days, you think, maybe I should just skip the workout…

How I Boost My Immune System And Stay Healthy For The Holidays
The best offense is a good defense.
This applies both to basketball as well as fighting colds and the flu.
Whether it is the gentleman coughing up a lung in the seat next to you on the plane or your adorable niece who sneezes oh so demurely without covering her mouth, you will encounter at least one person with nasty germs over the holidays.
You can’t prevent illness 100%. You can practice prevention. That’s how I stay healthy during the holidays. Preventing illness starts with the basics.

5 Ideas For A Healthier Holiday Game Night
If game night is part of your holiday experience I am guessing so are the snacks. I don’t want you to miss out or feel left out. You can enjoy a treat and you can make better choices. While it is really about THE GAME, you can come up with healthier ways to nosh and make room for a piece of peanut butter fudge. There are plenty of better for you finger foods you can enjoy with your friends and family that won’t make them go “Ewww, what’s that?”. Here’s your ultimate how-to guide to a healthier holiday game night.

5 Foolproof Healthy Holiday Potluck Recipes
You can enjoy your sister’s peanut brittle on Christmas Eve. You can enjoy a big Christmas brunch with biscuits, gravy and fresh blueberry scones. (Where she your mother-in-law gets those amazing fresh blueberries in December you will never know!)
To able to do this you must say no to the mass produced candy sitting on the reception desk, readily available all year but made “special” with green and red foil wrappers.
With a quick trip to the grocery store (or if you’re lucky to live near a Hy-Vee that delivers with a few clicks on the keyboard) you can whip up something so inviting that no one will have a clue it’s good for them. You can create a healthy holiday potluck dish in less than 30 minutes.

How To Host A Holiday Coloring Party In 3 Easy Steps
It’s your turn to host book club. Normally this is not a problem. However, it’s December and there is no book. It’s December and instead of one party this month there have already been several, each one with a vast selection of mini quiches, platters of cookies shaped like Christmas trees and mulled cider. It’s December and you still need to shop for presents for your nieces, send out the Christmas cards and get a manicure so you don’t have to worry about your nails till the New Year. You want to enjoy a relaxing evening with the girls but you know that Merlot and brownies with no book for distraction is a recipe for disaster.
It’s time to get in touch with your inner child. It’s time to have a holiday coloring party.

No Jingle Bells in the Gym! – Disco December Workout Playlist
When did you hear your first Christmas song this year? I am willing to bet you a cup of yerba mate that it was way too early.

The Middle Ground: Your NO Guilt Guide To The Holidays
The holiday stress has slowly been creeping up on you. It started just before Halloween with appearance of the red cup at Starbucks and began building Thanksgiving Eve as you roamed the grocery store for the ingredients for a new gluten free stuffing recipe. (Which you thought was delicious, but no one else touched.) Looking at your schedule in December, you may find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed. You find yourself struggling with some critical decisions.
A few years ago, my priorities started to shift. My eyes opened a bit as I got older, wiser and started running my own business. I valued my sanity more and how things appeared to others less. I got comfortable saying NO to different things if that meant I could say YES to the things that really matter. That’s The Middle Ground.
You can approach the Christmas season in survival mode struggling with guilt and the overload of it all, feeling defeated and frustrated on January 1. Or you can try the Middle Ground and letting go of holiday guilt.

5 Ways Your Fitness Routine MUST Change In Your 40s
Tamara and I have never meant in person yet I feel like I know her so well. Between her no nonsense blogging, Periscope chats for mid-life chicks and open and honest Facebook posts, it feels like we talk on a a regular basis. If you do visit her blog, FitKnitChick, you’ll also find out how strong she is, both inside and out. I am proud to call her my friend and grateful for her willingness to share knowledge as well as her personal struggles. – Pamela
There’s nothing like peri-menopause to wreak havoc on a perfectly good fitness and nutrition routine.
Many long-time regular exercisers swear that the minute they hit their 40’s the workout schedule and nutrition plan they’d been following for years stopped working. Common complaints include weight gain (hello ‘menopot’), loss of muscle mass, reduced energy, out-of-control sugar cravings, increased frequency of injury and loss of flexibility.