No More Gift Cards: 10 Fit Gifts You Will Love!

No More Gift Cards: 10 Fit Gifts You Will Love!

What do you want for Christmas?

Your significant other has already asked you this question at least five times. It seems you, with a Kindle full of books and a drawer full of fuzzy socks, have no idea how to answer. A gift card might be the easy way out…except when in reality spending it becomes just one more thing on the to-do list. It seems like a simple question yet it does nothing but cause you stress.

Here’s the answer – 10 Fit Gifts you will absolutely love. Just forward him this post!

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5 Poses to Start Your Yoga Journey

5 Poses to Start Your Yoga Journey

Try as I may, I struggle with keeping a consistent yoga practice. Perhaps it is because I keep getting caught up in this vision of what a “yogi” should be. I reached out to Jill for tips on starting a yoga journey because I know many of you feel the same way. I love her common sense approach to yoga and the joy she gets from her practice is obvious. It radiates from her in every picture I see. With her inspiration may we all remember to keep it simple and find just 10 minutes to reap the benefits a consistent yoga practice can bring. – Pamela

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40 Is Better Than 30 – Here’s WHY

40 Is Better Than 30 – Here’s WHY

I’ve known Jenn since high school (maybe junior high?). Oh… the stories should could tell about me, honors English and junior year Homecoming. We both turned 40 this year and I thought it would be fun to hear what she would tell her 30 year old self about fitness if she could. Her words and journey are inspiring. Maybe someday we’ll write a post together about what we would tell our 16 year old selves. – Pamela

My name is Jennifer, I am also known as Formerly Fat Girl Running. Ten years ago I was somewhere around 250 lbs (I currently stay around the 146-150 range) and in many ways miserable.

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Coming Back To The Gym: Your Brain and Body Plan

Coming Back To The Gym: Your Brain and Body Plan

I think the saying goes something like this, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans”. No one includes an injury in their workout plan for the week. No one pencils in illness for the second Tuesday of next month. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Often it pops up when you’re feeling strong and on a roll. Other times you may have noticed something has felt off but never thought it could be serious. The reality is we will all at some time or another be sidelined just like Suzanne was. She’s got a great story (which I highly recommend you check out at her blog) and an amazing comeback in progress. – Pamela

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Fitness In Your 50s – What No One Tells You

Fitness In Your 50s – What No One Tells You

40 feels amazing but it’s not without it’s challenges. I feel strong, I feel confident but I also need more recovery and can’t get away with as many splurges as I used to. I admit it took me a bit by surprise when things stopped working for me the way they did just a few years ago. I am so grateful to have strong and fit women like Jody in my life to not only help me see what the next decade might bring -both the positive and the pitfalls.

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From Using A Walker to Running A 5K…One Woman’s Journey

From Using A Walker to Running A 5K…One Woman’s Journey

I’ve known Sarah since college. To me she’s always been bold and brave with a huge heart. It’s only recently did I learn how brave she truly is. Sarah had to overcome depression and Functional Neurological Disorder for herself and to care of her ailing father. Here’s how how exercise helped her go from a walker to a 5K.

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