3 Teas To Cure The Monday Blahs

3 Teas To Cure The Monday Blahs

Monday morning starts at the desk. In a dark wood paneled office at the back of the house, I sit facing my MacBook Air (named Zoe). I am answering emails. Lots of emails. Logged off since Saturday, I am trying to make my way through product pitches, newsletters I forgot I signed up for and client questions. The real fun, in the gym, is still a couple of hours away. I just have to get through this inbox first.

Does your workday start in a similar fashion?

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Fool Proof Plan For Your 1st Turkey Trot!

Every year you’ve thought about it. Your friends and family all look so happy with their paper turkey feathers on their heads and running shoes on their feet. They beg you to join them but you decline, saying Thanksgiving dinner isn’t going to cook itself. Inside, you want to join them but feel there is NO way you could run, jog or even walk 3.1 miles.

This year is going to be different.

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