Battling Cellulite the Natural Way
90 percent of women have cellulite. It is a source of frustration for women (and some men) of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. While you can't eliminate it entirely, you can reduce it with the things we should be doing any way: exercising and eating clean. On a...

Farmers Market Finds: Transition Your Meal Plan To Fall Foods
September is a month of transition for everyone and everything, including food. Learn to transition your meal plan with farmers market fall foods.

Find Your Peak Performance With The Right Fitness Tools
If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, Maybe not. When we get stuck in good we forget how it feels to be great. Find your peak performance with these tools
3 Life Lessons From Visiting Machu Picchu
Travel can teach us not just about the world but ourselves. I came back reminded of 3 important life lessons after visiting Machu Picchu.
6 Must Visit Destinations for Food Tourists
Exploring new food is on of my favorite parts of traveling! Here are my 6 must visit destinations for food tourists!

Is Stress Sabotaging Your Workout Ep 129
Personal Trainer Pamela Hernandez shares how stress sabotage everything you are working for in the gym.

DIY Protein Peanut Butter
Not sure about protein peanut spreads in the store? Check out these DIY protein peanut butter recipes!

Ladies Who Lift Big Workout Playlist
Ladies – if you like to lift big here is the workout playlist for you!

5 Handy Tips for Successful Weight Maintenance
The 4 Keys to Real Fitness aren’t just about fat loss. They are also about keeping the weight off. Here are my successful weight maintenance tips.

The Anatomy Of A Meatless Meal Plan For The OxyChallenge
The Ultimate Oxygen Challenge serves up a lot of chicken and fish. Here’s how I’m getting results with my own meatless meal plan.I