No Squats? No Problem! Leg Workout
No squats? No problem. There are plenty of ways to strengthen your legs without squats. From Ozarks Today here are my is a no squat leg workout.

Roasted Broccoli Tofu Scramble Recipe
Need a quick gluten free and vegan breakfast? Try my Roasted Broccoli Tofu Scramble recipe!

The Stress Buster Workout Playlist
Is the gym your therapy session? Try this Stress Buster workout playlist on Spotify!

How to HALT Overeating and Food Cravings
Hunger, Anger, Tired, Lonely – these are the reasons we overeat. HALT overeating and cravings with these tips.

3 Things to Build a STRONG Body and Mind
Ready to a build your skills, build your body and find your fitness tribe? Check out STRONG magazine, Rosetta Stone Online and WYCWYC!

How Much Protein is Too Much Ep 125
Personal Trainer Pamela Hernandez answers a viewer's much protein is too much? In this video: How Much Protein is TOO MUCH Protein. Factors that change the answer.

How Your Fears Can Inspire Your Dreams
Your fears can inspire your dreams. Taking time to face your fears is the first step in knowing who you really are.

Farmers Market Finds: Cooking with Fresh Herbs and Pea Shoots
Guilty of using dried herbs when it says fresh. The farmers market has shown me the error of my ways. Cooking with fresh herbs makes all the difference!

4 Healthy Ways to Satisfy A Chocolate Craving
You can have chocolate and still meet your fitness goals! Chocolate tea is a healthy way to satisfy a chocolate craving!

How to Make Pasta Healthy Again
Pasta can be part of a healthy and fit life! There are plenty of great recipes to help you in the book Healthy Pasta!