How to Make A Sock Massager Ep 124
Personal Trainer Pamela Hernandez shows you how to make a simple and effective myofascial release sock roller (massager) with very little cost!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pancake Muffin Recipe
Need breakfast that you can eat on the go? Try my gluten free Chocolate Peanut Butter Pancake Muffins!

Fit Funk Workout Playlist
If you’ve been a little too serious in the gym lately, try out my Fit Funk Workout Playlist for your next workout. If it doesn’t make you smile I don’t know what will.

Core Off the Floor Workout
Forget crunches! Get fit and functional with this core workout routine.

Farmers Market Finds: Mushrooms, Greens and A Cup of Tea
What’s in season right now at the Farmers Market of the Ozarks? Gorgeous greens and meaty mushrooms!
Why You Should Apply For the BetterU Makeover Challenge
Fight for your health and the for the future of those you love. Apply NOW for the Springfield MO Go Red for Women BetterU Makeover Challenge!

Dreams to Reality: How to Escape the Time Crunch
It is possible to escape the time crunch if you learn to say NO to what doesn’t matter, say YES to what does and know the value of your time.

4 Fit Travel Tips To Stay Well On (and Off) The Road
Feel like you need a vacation after your vacation? Eat well, sleep well and come back to a stocked pantry with these fit travel tips.
30 Minutes a Day Isn’t Enough for Fitness or Fat Loss
30 minutes of exercise a day is the current goal but it may not be enough for real fitness and fat loss. The missing link is NEAT.

Science vs Practice at the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit
Science vs practice in the real world of exercise, nutrition and behavior change at the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit 2015