How To Stop Kitchen Pinterest Fails Once And For All
Pinterest has been a boon to your creativity. You can find new themes for book club brunch in an instant. It saved you a ton of time and money redecorating the bathroom. Unfortunately, Pinterest hasn’t been such a hit in the kitchen. You’re tired of hit and miss recipes that look better online than they taste in real life. You need a quick source of reliable recipes if you’re going to stick to your commitment to eating better in 2019.
Why not go old school and pick up a new cookbook? It may seem passé to go back to paper, but healthy living cookbooks full of taste-tested recipes never go out of style. I’ve got three cookbooks for you that will save you time and money with recipes that never miss.

4 Essential Steps To Taking A Reading Vacation
Catching 30 minutes of reading over lunch or 20 minutes of an audiobook during your drive home can be a very satisfying restorative niche. But what if it’s just not enough? What If you need just a little more to feel recharged and ready to tackle the next big project? Perhaps it’s time to consider taking a reading vacation.
Taking a reading vacation is the perfect way to retreat at home or even create needed space while on a family vacation. Having nothing to do but read for a few hours a day may be just the restorative niche you need. It doesn’t have to cost a lot nor does it require a whole weekend. (Although if you can take an entire weekend to do nothing but read I highly recommend it!) Here’s how to plan and take a reading vacation.

When You Feel Like You Are Failing At Fitness
Did 2018 feel like it was one step forward and two steps back on your fitness journey?
Are you starting 2019 feeling like you are making a strong effort, doing the right things but not seeing the results of working out you had hoped?
Regroup and reassess your workout plan and check your diet but don’t give up. If you’re still trying, it doesn’t matter what happened before. What separates success from stagnation is the willingness to keep going and the ability to see progress before it manifests. If you are not seeing the results of working out that you want, take a step back and check your mindset.

Can You Be Too Devoted To Your Health Goals?
I love being in the gym alone. Time with my music and my weights lifts clears my head and perks me up. Exercise can be the perfect restorative niche for a tapped-out introvert. What exercise shouldn’t be is a way to numb and separate yourself from the world. It shouldn’t take over your life. You can’t sacrifice meaning and connection and be well.
Consistent workouts are a normal part of a healthy and happy life, but they should not be the only part of your day that matters. Using exercise as a way to avoid whatever is bothering your or delay difficult conversations is the opposite of living a healthy and happy life. Overtraining is not only physically harmful; it can keep you from finding joy in your work and family. Too much dedication to a workout plan or a diet can keep you from making meaningful connections and finding purpose in your life.
You can be too devoted to your fitness goals. They should not block you from making meaningful connections and pursuing purpose in your life.

How To Use Exercise To Improve Mood And Memory
Think about a day when you have been your most productive. Your thinking was clear and your energy was flowing. It was probably a day that started with a good night’s sleep and a decent breakfast. Maybe you walked the dog before you left for the office or got a great workout at the gym the night before. These events aren’t just coincidence; the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind is very real.
Your mental health is a direct product of how you move and nourish your body. Let’s look at the long list of evidence that explains the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind.

You May Be Healthy But Are You Well?
Health is not a mindset that makes you get in a workout at any cost. Health is not chasing perfectly balanced macros. Health is not a quick fix; it is a way of being and living your life. According to the World Health Organization, health “is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
That’s a good start, but it’s not enough to be healthy. May your 2019 goals be about being healthy and being wellness.

Do You Feel Shamed By The Body Positive Movement?
You are not making New Year Resolutions today. That doesn’t mean you don’t have goals. You are secure in the belief that you can be healthy at any size, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to change your size. Life is good, but you are also not afraid to ask for a little more. But you feel like the only one. As you scroll Instagram, you feel like the body positive movement is shaming you for wanting to lose a little weight.
Would you tell a runner who wants to hit a new half-marathon PR just to love the way they run and stop trying to be something they aren’t? If they have a sound training plan, enjoy their runs and love a challenge, absolutely not! So why are some folks making the goal of weight loss sound like a sin?

Can’t Remember What You Did Yesterday? Read This.
The joy of the holiday season seems to be passing you by. There was a work Christmas celebration last week but you were too busy working to share a few laughs at the catered lunch. The tree is up and there is a wreath on the door but that’s as far as you’ve gotten with decorating. The gifts are going to arrive on time, along with the gift bags you can easily slip put them in. Add a little cash or a Starbucks gift card and your holiday shopping is done, just under the wire.
Efficiency is terrific if it allows you to spend more time on what matters. If it’s your survival strategy to just ‘get through’ the holidays maybe you need to rethink your strategy. If you’re so busy checking things off your list that you can’t remember what you actually did, it’s time to slow things down. If your days are one big blur, it’s time to bring things back into focus.
My gift to you today is permission to experience JOMO.

8 Books To Solve Your Last Minute Gift Dilemma
It happens every year. There is one person that somehow you forgot to get a gift. Maybe you forgot that book club in December always includes a book exchange. Maybe you wanted to get a little something to go along with the extra tip for the person who does your nails. Or maybe it wasn’t you that forgot. Has your husband gotten anything for his assistant yet? If you need a last-minute gift idea, I have eight books that make perfect gifts.

My Best Ever Quick Workout Solutions For Your Busy Holiday Schedule
The cold days leave your energy level low when you leave work. It doesn’t help that it is dark when you leave, feeling like it’s 10 pm instead of 5 pm. You would like to go home and curl up with a good book and then go to bed. But the evenings are busy with Christmas programs at school, office holiday parties, shopping for an ever-growing list of friends and baking for all of the above. If you wanted, you could accept an invitation for something almost every night of the week. It’s so easy to skip the gym right now. You need quick workouts for the holidays, or you may not hit the gym again until January.
If you normally do your workouts in the evening now may be the time to become a morning exerciser, even if it’s just temporarily. If you work out in the morning, no one can take it away from you. It’s done. It’s no longer a worry. You’ll feel better, you’ll be more alert and (maybe) less dependent on your morning dose of caffeine to clear the fog.
I’m not asking you to get up an hour earlier. Instead, can you give me just 15 or 20 minutes? If you can, I can give you three different quick workouts for the holidays.