3 Superfood Powders To Supercharge Your Diet
You still love to look at magazines. Not on your iPad, not the magazine’s web site but real slick paper magazines. You tear out recipes and workouts to try. You find new people to follow on Instagram. There is always one more book to add to the To Be Read List. You try to ignore the ads and articles for skincare and supplements promising false hope. Can any supplement really stand up to all that hype? Are there really any superfood powder benefits?
In each issue of almost every women’s magazine you’ll see a new study with breakthrough research about a new miracle ingredient or superfood supplement. The truth is one single study does not justify adding acai powder or goji berries to everything. (If you want to learn more about evaluating research for yourself read this.) However, there are some superfood powders that DO have good research behind them that you can easily add to your regular routine. Here are three superfood powders with real benefits.

Forget the Latte! Creative Ways To Enjoy Pumpkin Spice This Fall
The first hints of fall are swirling in the air. The days are a bit shorter and a little cooler, making it perfect for evening walks and absolutely necessary to wear your favorite boots. You’ve also witnessed more than one person in the office swoon over a pumpkin spice latte. While your friends seem enchanted by the PSL you don’t really get all the fuss. You love fall but you’re not a huge coffee fan. Surely there is a pumpkin spice flavor alternative to help you celebrate fall?
Forget the pumpkin spice latte and try these creatives pumpkin recipes instead.

5 Unique Tips For Self-Care On A Budget
Loving your career and flexible schedule doesn’t mean you don’t have rough days or feel life stress like everyone else. It also comes with the extra stress of an inconsistent paycheck. Your basics are covered by your laptop lifestyle but there isn’t much wiggle room in the budget for extras. You need regular restorative niches and great self-care on budget.
While you would love to take off with your cousin on an amazing weekend yoga retreat it’s just not in the cards right now. That doesn’t mean you can’t set aside space for yourself. There are plenty of great self-care on a budget practices to try, some of which don’t cost anything or require you to take a whole weekend off. Here’s my list of ways to give yourself some space to breath and recharge your batteries.

6 Unusual Ways To Eat Beans
Beans are an amazing underutilized healthy eating staple. Why do I think they’re often forgotten when meal plans are being made? Because by themselves they can be a little bit boring. Who wants to sit down and eat a plain bowl of black beans? As much as I love them, I still need some rice and spice to transform them into a tasty meal. You can do so much more than that with these nutritional powerhouses. Ready to learn some new and unusual ways to eat beans?

One Tool To Supercharge Your Travel Workout
Your best workouts are always the ones at the gym. Whether it’s the desire to keep up with your BodyPump classmates or the gentle nudges from your personal trainer, you always work harder when you’re at the gym. You manage okay at home but it’s not the same with so many distractions and less accountability and equipment. Strength training while traveling is the big roadblock to your consistency. You’re less motivated after a long day of meetings and sometimes the hotel gym only offers cardio options. There’s no way you’re packing your dumbbells for a weekend at the lake!
Strength training while traveling takes a little planning but it is certainly not impossible! It also doesn’t require buying a second set of weights for the cabin. A small investment in a set of mini-bands can give you a host of options for strength training while traveling as well as add new challenges to your existing home workouts. Mini-bands are inexpensive and extremely portable.
I’ve put together a quick but surprisingly challenging strength workout you can do pretty much anywhere. If you do this workout as a circuit, you can keep your heart rate up while working your muscles. Perform each of these moves for 12 repetitions before moving on to the next move. Check out this video where I explain it all.

Fit Tips To Supercharge Your Visit To Philadelphia
It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling for a work conference or your daughter’s class trip, Philadelphia is a fun and friendly city to visit. Center City is the best place to stay if you’re primary destination is the Convention Center or the Liberty Bell. It also makes it very easy to stay in your fit life groove. After my own recent visit to the City of Brotherly Love, I learned a few fit and healthy things to do in Philadelphia

The Foolproof Way To Make Homemade Tea Popsicles
Ice cream is delicious but you’ve got more than one friend who has sworn off dairy. That means homemade ice cream is no longer on the menu for book club brunch. You need a slightly sweet treat that everyone can enjoy and that doesn’t require you to heat up the kitchen in the dog days of summer. It’s the perfect time for homemade tea popsicles!

The Reason To Shop Mama Jean’s Natural Market Weekly
Did you know that Mama Jean’s Natural Market has been open for over 15 years? I’ve shopped there almost since the day the doors opened on South Campbell, so thankful to have a local organic grocery store in Springfield! Diana Hicks and Susie Farbin, the owners, kind of did it all back then. They were almost always there to greet us when we did our Saturday morning shopping. That’s how I got to know them, especially Diana.
The selection was smaller in the narrow hallway of a store. My eating habits and shopping patterns where different too. I was still figuring out what worked best for my body and yet to start coaching others. Mama Jean’s was for “the special stuff” they didn’t have at Price Cutter back then, like tofu and unsweetened banana chips.
Over the last decade my eating habits have evolved. My appreciation for the great taste of simple real food has grown. My life has changed too, going from a corporate gig with days at a desk to owning a small business and working an unusual and often hectic schedule. We travel more than we did 15 years ago and appreciate home now more than ever. And Mama Jean’s Natural Market, with three full service grocery stores and as well as MJ’s Deli, has grown right along with me.
When was the last time you checked out Mama Jean’s Natural Market and checked in with how you shop for your healthy and fit life?
The Secret To Gaining Control Of Your Free Time
We all tell ourselves stories about our time. We often start the day with the scarcity mindset and thoughts of “how am I going to get it all done?” The media loves to spread the “Time Crunch” myth and pump up the story of how much unused vacation time Americans leave on the table. But when we look at the data of our own lives you may find a different tale. How we spend our free time is often largely a matter of choice. According to Laura Vanderkam, gaining control of your free time starts with tracking your time.

3 Ideas For Healthy Prepared Meals Delivered
Cooking for one just isn’t fun. Yet you know the quick bites you’re grabbing at the drive up most nights aren’t doing your body any favors. Taco Tuesday with co-workers probably isn’t helping your quest for a flatter stomach. Meal planning still escapes you. If you could have one wish come true it would be for someone to take over the planning and cooking for you, making meals that are healthy, delicious and the proper portion.
Wish granted! Welcome to the world of healthy prepared meals delivered to your door! We’ve talked about healthy meal kit services like Hello Fresh but they still require 30 minutes (sometimes almost an hour!) in the kitchen and the portions are too big for most females. If you need a simple solution for solo cooking, I’ve gathered together a few of the best prepared meal delivery services.