Powerful Practices To Help You Love Your Body
Summer is sweeping past you in a whirlwind of pool dates, baseball games and keeping up with the garden. Growing up, summer was your favorite time of year but now it leaves you feeling just a little detached. You enjoy going to the pool but you’re usually sitting off to the side and not in the water, with a t-shirt over your swimsuit. Baseball games and gardening are fun but warm because you refuse to wear a tank top. It’s kind of exhausting trying to manage your body and participate in the summer activities you love. Deep down you really want to learn to love your body again.
If you’re sitting on the sidelines of your own life based on how your arms look in a tank top or how your thighs look in a one piece we have a problem. It’s time learn to love your body for what is and stop hating it for what it isn’t.

Whey Protein vs Plant Protein For Beginners
You purposefully went to Target for protein powder, thinking it would be simpler than the supplement store or Amazon. What you found was an aisle full of choices and that familiar feeling of overwhelm. Other than chocolate, you have no idea which protein powder is going to give you a delicious smoothie for breakfast. Is whey protein or plant protein better? What exactly is the difference between whey protein and plant protein?
Deciding whether whey protein or plant protein is better for you is a great place to start narrowing the choice. Once you understand the difference between whey protein and plant protein, your decision will be so much simpler.

When You Feel Birthdays Don’t Matter
I don’t understand the person who lets their birthday slip by. Don’t they understand that birthdays matter? These naysayers say birthdays don’t mean much when you get older but I beg to differ. I turn 43 this week and I don’t care who knows it. Another turn of the wheel is never cause for despair because it means I’ve made it another glorious year.
I love using my birthday, the one day about me, to celebrate the cycle of my life. Why birthdays matter to me so much is because they offer the perfect pause to reflect and recalibrate. I get to do a gratitude check and plant some seeds to grow in the coming year.
We all need to time to remember the good stuff we’ve done. It’s easy to remember what went wrong but when was the last time you remembered what went right? We need time to take stock of what is serving us and what we to be let go. Why not use a day that is already designated as yours to do so?

3 Vegan Burgers That Are Proven To Please
You’ve host the summer family reunion for years. You’ve got everything on autopilot. How hard can it be to throw some burgers and dogs on the grill, right? Except when your daughter tells you she’s now vegan and she’s bringing her new vegan boyfriend with her. She says “just grab us a veggie burger, okay?”. You have no idea how to find a good veggie burger, much less vegan burgers you can grill.
For the last week of vegan foods month not only am I going to give you great tasting vegan burgers you can grill, I’m going to share a couple of vegan dogs too! I’m going to help you keep the vegans and vegetarians happy at our family reunion, 4th of July cookout or party at the lake.

How To Rock A Vegan Grilled Cheese
Dairy issues aren’t just about lactose intolerance. Some people have an immune response to dairy proteins that affects their sinuses or they break out in a rash. It could even be the cause of the acne flair ups you’ve been having lately. You’d gladly give up Greek yogurt for clear skin again but cheese is going to much harder. Grilled cheese is your favorite easy meal, comfort food and indulgence when dining out all in one. If this is really going to happen you’re going to need amazing vegan grilled cheese sandwich recipes.

3 Worth It Vegan Ice Cream Brands (And One To Avoid)
Nothing says summer like ice cream. In a perfect world you make your own vegan ice cream, as creamy and smooth as the version you had on retreat. In real life your ice cream desire pops up in the “heat of the moment”. When you want ice cream you don’t have hours to wait, you want it now before the opportunity to sit on the porch swing and savor it passes. You want to find a truly sensational summer treat. That means a vegan ice cream brand you can enjoy on the fly.

Yes, You Can Eat Delicious Yogurt Without Dairy!
Berry season is here! Strawberries have been ripe for the picking since mid-May. That means raspberries will soon follow and the blueberries are not far behind. You can buy them at the farmers market or spend a morning at the farm picking them yourself. You may share them or freeze some for later but the bulk of them you plan to enjoy right now. The creamy goodness of yogurt is perfect with berries but what if dairy is a DON’T for your body? You don’t have to give up your favorite summer snack. Instead reach for one of these satisfying non-dairy yogurt brands.
I am kicking off a month of quick and easy vegan foods with some delicious non-dairy yogurt brands. Based on clients’ suggestions and my own taste testing, I’m going to share the most satisfying non-dairy yogurt brands to eat with your strawberries, add to a smoothie or to make overnight oats.

Your Ultimate Guide To Self-Improvement Summer Reads
While time during the summer doesn’t always slow down as much as you would like, it does feel like you have a little more room to breathe. There aren’t as many meetings with everyone taking vacation so you can actually take a lunch break. Junior League takes a summer hiatus leaving you with a little more weeknight freedom. The extra daylight makes the day really seem longer. With a few more hours opening up, summer is the perfect time to dig into your self-improvement summer reading list.
Beach reads do not have to be all fluff. There are plenty of great reads for the plane or pool that also expand your mind and support your healthy striving goals. A self-improvement summer reading list can be fun! I also promise none of the books on this list are exercise or diet based. Living a healthier happier life is about so much more than what you put in your mouth or how many reps you do.
Here are the books you need to get at the library for your summer reading list!

How To Shop The Farmers Market Without Getting Out Of Bed
Saturday mornings are sacred in your world. High stress and long hours during the week make sleeping a little later, then slowly savoring your rich breakfast blend tea before walking the dog your highest priority to start the weekend. You take a moment to check Instagram while the dog does her business and see lovely greens and flowers at the farmers market. With a sigh, you think, “if only there was farmers market produce delivery”.
It’s your lucky day! You can enjoy the amazing bounty produced by your local farmers without waking up early on a Saturday or fighting the midday crowds. Farmers market produce delivery does exist, perhaps in ways you never even imagined.

Super Simple Workout Tips For Busy People With Back Pain & Bad Posture
You can always tell when you’ve been sitting too long. When your work life goes into overdrive you may skip a workout or two to get it all done. Your back is the first thing to alert you that you have spent too long in your chair. Then your shoulders will chime in that you need to get back to exercising and stretching. Your body is gently nudging you to get back to a regular exercise schedule. It’s asking specifically for exercises to strengthen the core and improve posture.