by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 14, 2015 | Fitness, Fitness 101, Fitness Favorites, Nutrition, Video, Video Blog
The updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests a more plant based diet. It’s not just better for our health but also for the health of the planet. This doesn’t mean you have to give up meat entirely, it just means looking at other ways to get your...
by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 13, 2015 | Fitness, Fitness 101, Gym Etiquette, Reviews, What's New at Thrive Personal Fitness
The key to letting go is finding someone you trust to take the lead. I always tell perspective new clients that personal training is a very personal relationship. If it’s going to be a happy and productive one you need to make sure not just hours and cost meet your...
by Pamela Hernandez | Aug 3, 2015 | Fitness, Monthly Workout Playlist, Motivation
As summer starts to wind down, my workouts are winding up. I’ve found a new focus in the gym since starting the OxyChallenge. It’s not to say I didn’t enjoy my workouts before. The gym is my “me time”, my recharge time. Yet it’s fair to say I was in a rut. Now that...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jul 31, 2015 | Fitness, Nutrition, Recipes, Video, Video Blog
I really hope you’ve tried my Vanilla Coconut Protein Pancakes! If not, check out this quick video to help you make the perfect batch of protein pancakes! ...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jul 30, 2015 | Fitness, Fitness Favorites, General Health, Motivation, Reviews
Based on my Birthday Extravaganza trip to Shanghai, one might assume I like to “live large”. In reality, it’s quite the opposite. It’s the little things in my day-to-day world that I find the most joy in. A good cup of tea, a hike with Brian and a trip...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jul 27, 2015 | Fitness, Motivation, Nutrition
Are you an abstainer or a moderator? I enjoyed the discussion of these terms in Gretchin Rubin’s Better Than Before but they were not new to me. I have always identified as a moderator. When Santa leaves a bar of dark chocolate in my stocking I have no problem doling...