Willpower Boosting Snacks

Willpower Boosting Snacks

image by W Brian Duncan Want to know the secret to willpower? Eat more. It’s true. In the book Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength the author, Roy Baumeister, gives a great explanation of the willpower/glucose connection. To sum up, your brain runs on...
4 Easy Egg Breakfasts

4 Easy Egg Breakfasts

photo by Babi Santander I love eggs. They are inexpensive, available pretty much anywhere you choose to shop and easy to cook. It’s a shame they’ve gotten a bad wrap for so long. Everyone focuses on the cholesterol and saturated fat (of which we do need a little bit...
What Do You Do With Chia Seeds?

What Do You Do With Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are for more than growing a chia pet Mr. T. (Which I never had and would still to this day love to own.) Chia seeds are the hot healthy food trend of the moment. While they are not the weight loss miracle many claim them to be, they do have a number of...

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