by Pamela Hernandez | Dec 18, 2014 | Fitness, Fitness 101, General Health, Motivation, Nutrition, What's New at Thrive Personal Fitness
**No longer available! Stay Tuned for my next program! Diets don’t work. I say this often because I know from experience. It started with watching my mother trying to lose weight by eating Figurines or following the T-Factor diet. It became my own story in my late...
by Pamela Hernandez | Dec 11, 2014 | Fitness, Fitness 101, Motivation, Nutrition
WIAW It stands for What I Ate Wednesday. I am not sure who started it or when. When I first encountered it, via blog posts from fellow FitFluential members, my first question was not what but WHY? I do get asked what I eat a lot. I’ve shared an average day in the past...
by Pamela Hernandez | Nov 24, 2014 | General Health, Healthy Holidays, Motivation
As Thanksgiving approaches, I have become keenly aware of the worry the holiday season is creating for clients, friends and family. I have been pondering the problem for days and I am proud to say I have finally hit on the THE ANSWER for alleviating some of their...
by Michelle Carlson | Nov 10, 2014 | Fitness, Motivation
While I’m enjoying some much needed R&R, I have a wonderful guest post from a friend I made at IDEA World Fitness. Michelle Carlson is a personal training with her own amazing fitness success story. She travels the world helping women who have been victims...
by Pamela Hernandez | Oct 30, 2014 | Fitness, Motivation
It’s another busy Monday. You’ve worked late and the kids need help with their homework. Your husband (thankfully) made dinner. You only have 20 minutes to try to squeeze in some kind of a workout so everyone can get to bed on time. You can either: Grab a pair...
by Pamela Hernandez | Oct 27, 2014 | Healthy Holidays, Motivation, Nutrition
I stopped trick or treating when I was 10 years old. I didn’t think I was too cool or too old to go. It’s just when I could no longer eat the candy it became a lot less fun. My type 1 diabetes diagnosis a few months earlier meant I had to find an alternative to this...