by Pamela Hernandez | Feb 14, 2013 | Fitness, General Health, Motivation, Nutrition
image by Temari 09 I am a personal trainer, not a marriage counselor. However I think I’ve learned a thing or two about balancing love and fitness in the 14 years Brian and I have been together. Based on my experiences (and mine alone) I would like to share A Fit...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 31, 2013 | Fitness, Motivation, Success Stories
When was the last time shopping for clothes felt like Christmas morning? Do you relish the opportunity to check out the latest styles? Or is shopping for clothes a chore that you put off as long as you can? For Megan, shopping for clothes became a whole new experience...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 28, 2013 | Motivation, What's New at Thrive Personal Fitness
image by lululemon athletica The results for the Best of 417 are in and once again I am…the runner up. And I’m okay with that. Before the results were announced (which this year I had NO advance notice of) I had been contemplating this notion of being the BEST. I...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 21, 2013 | General Health, Motivation
photo by Harold Lloyd I am convinced 2013 is going to be an amazing year. Every year I say that it’s going to be a good year but this year feels like it’s going to be really special. Professionally, I’ve accomplished some pretty amazing stuff in 2012 , things that...
by Pamela Hernandez | Jan 3, 2013 | Fitness, Motivation, Reviews
image by New Year’s Day was also Day 21 of the Inferno program and my last Inferno Challenge. Other than sleeping in a bit, it started out normally. I ate my breakfast and drank my tea while checking my email. Then I started to get a little nervous. What...
by Pamela Hernandez | Dec 31, 2012 | Fitness, General Health, Healthy Holidays, Motivation
image by Armando Maynez Got big New Year’s Eve plans? Mine are pretty tame. Brian and I will have dinner, go see a movie (probably The Hobbit) and be home in time to ring in the New Year with Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper. New Year’s Day I’ll probably sleep in a...