Join the Mama’s Meltdown Challenge!

My favorite place to shop for food is Mama Jean’s Natural Market.  We have been shopping there pretty much since the store opened in 2002. Our previous health food store was experiencing a constant turnover in staff that had us wondering what was going on and Mama...

Fit for Travel Fit for Life

Why do I do it? Why do I jump, lift and sweat when others are still asleep or sitting on their couches? Long before it was my job, I committed to a life of fitness because I knew it was the key to good health and an enjoyable life.  My trip to Paris solidified this...

Training with Pamela: Hijacked!

Ha! This is what happens when Linden leaves her documents open on the computer! She had this really great, truly inspiring post almost finished, but then she left to walk the dog. Now you have to read my story. First, let me introduce myself. I’m Linden’s husband,...

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