Core Off the Floor Workout

Core Off the Floor Workout

Core Off the Floor isn’t just a catchy session title, it’s a fact of life for some. I attended this session at the ACSM Health and Fitness Summit a few weeks ago because for some clients the floor isn’t a practical option. Traditional curls and sit ups in a supine...

What Is a Diabetic Diet?

image by W Brian Duncan What is a diabetic diet? defines it as: A diet for a diabetic person, with the aim of maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The American Diabetes association takes it a step further: A diabetes meal plan is a guide that tells...

Physical Activity Guidelines

Ever since I started this fitness journey, I have held the belief that the more you know the more successful you will be. I am sure this applies to more than just health and wellness, but I will stick with what I know.  So today I want to share with you a very...

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