Lasting Weight Loss

I am not a fan of fad diets. I am not a fan of diets in general. Diets are temporary. Many people lose weight on diets then go back to their normal way of living and eating.  It’s not long before they have gained the weight back, with a few extra pounds for good...

Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease

In honor of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, here is my article on Alzheimer’s Disease and exercise from Springfield Cares Magazine. photo by Stephen Heron If I could give you a prescription for something that could lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease would...

A Nation of Over Consumers

I am a CNN junkie. Pretty much when I have nothing else to watch (like “Chuck” or “Suze Orman”) I will have CNN on. Last Sunday I was watching Fareed Zakaria GPS and Paul Volcker was on. He said something that made me sit up and pay attention.  He stated...

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